16th June 2018

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I wake up and spot a red trail from the bed leading out the room. I rub my eyes and sit up so I can wake myself up, I grab my phone and see the time is 8:30am. After I wake myself up I see that the red trail is a path of red petals. Its a weekend so it's a normal time for me to wake up as I don't need to get Talia ready for school. I get out of bed and get ready. I put on a long sleeved pink top with a cross at the front, I slipped into some pregnancy jeans and put on some shoes. I curled my hair and put on some makeup then picked up my phone to check the time.

It's now 9:15am so I get up out my chair and follow the path that is leading out of the room

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It's now 9:15am so I get up out my chair and follow the path that is leading out of the room. The rose petals lead down the stairs through the house and into the garden. I look into the kitchen but there's no one there. I keep following the path into the garden and see a massive tepee set up. I am stunned so I am stood in shock for a few seconds. I snapped out of it and walked up to the tepee. I entered it and inside was a massive table covered in rose petals. There was fairy lights all around that lit up the inside, there was a candle hanging in the middle which added more light. Johnny, Talia, Jackie, Martin, Adam, Anna and Santiago were sat at the table. As soon as I walked in they all shouted "surprise!"

"Oh my god." I say stunned and in shock.

"Happy Birthday sweetie." Johnny said as he came over and gave me a hug.

"Did you do all of this yourself?" I ask.

"Well, yeah." He says with a smile.

He took me over to the table which was filled with all sorts of breakfast delights. We tuck in and eat until we're full, the food is so delicious I just want to keep eating but if I eat anymore I'll throw up. I sit back in my chair and breath out heavily. We all help to clear everything up off the table so it's empty. After we've cleaned up we sit in the kitchen to have a cup of tea.

"So what else do you have planned today?" I ask Johnny.

"You'll have to wait and see." He says with a smile then places a kiss on my lips.

"Well at least tell me what's happening next." I say trying to persuade him to tell me.

"Okay fine. I've planned for you, Talia, Anna and my mum to go for a day at the salon. It's not much but I thought it would be a nice day out for you."

"Oh Johnny it doesn't matter how big it is, it's the thought that counts. Plus it will be nice for us to talk about the wedding." I say with a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure? I know I normally spoil you."

"You being in my life is the best present I could ever ask for." I kiss him again.

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