6th July 2018

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Johnny pulls up to the house and parks on the drive as Adams car isn't there for once. He stops the engine and we get out.

"Why did we have to come so early again?" I ask Johnny as we get out the car.

"Apparently Anna and Adam have a surprise." He responds.

"I wonder if it's another rubbish car like your old one, sorry I mean house." I joke as I get Talia out of the car.

"You're such a prick." He says whilst smiling and laughing at me.

"I know." I say with a massive smile.

Johnny gets his keys and unlocks the door, we head in then take our shoes off at the door.

"Hello?" Johnny shouts. No answer.

"I wonder where they are." I say looking around.

"Maybe upstairs?" He says as he points upwards.

"If they are I don't want to know what they're doing." I say with a disgusted look.

"Let's just not go up there."

"Good idea." I agree.

Suddenly the door open behinds us giving us all a fright, I turn around to see Adam, Anna and Santiago coming in.

"Pusface. Hi Anna, hi Santiago." Johnny says with a smirk.

"Hey guys, sorry we asked you to come so early." Anna said as she took her shoes off.

"Honestly it's no problem." I say with a smile.

"Piss face, shitface. Where's mum and dad?" Adam asks as we all walk into the living room.

"No clue, they might be upstairs but I'm not risking seeing that." Johnny says as he flops down onto the sofa so I sit down next to him.

"Martin might be in the shed." Anna suggests.

"I'll go check." Adam says as he exits the room.

"I'll come with." Johnny says getting up.

"Thanks a lot, leaving us alone with the kids again." I say with an eye roll.

"So how have you been coping recently? I know you're nearly halfway through your third trimester now so it must be really difficult." Anna asks me.

"I've been struggling to do most things like cooking and cleaning but Johnnys been helping me a lot as well as letting me relax. I don't know what I would do without him." I say with a smile.

"Aww I'm glad to hear he's helping, if you ever need help with anything me and Adam are only a phone call away."

"Thank you Anna, I think we're going to need it as Talia is off for the six weeks holidays soon."

"I'm going to help mummy when the baby comes." Talia says as she touches my bump and kisses it.

"I'm sure you're going to be the best big sister." Anna says to Talia.

Suddenly we hear people coming down the stairs we check who it is and it's Martin who is followed by Jackie.

"Oh you guys are here! I'm so sorry we didn't hear you." Jackie says as she hugs us both.

"Honestly it's fine Jackie, we've just been catching up anyway." Anna says.

"Where are the boys?" Martin asked.

"Shed." I say. He exits and I'm assuming he went to go find them.

"Me and Martin were just having some time to ourselves before you guys came, if you know what I mean." Jackie says as she sits next to me.

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