15th September 2018

81 2 5

I arrive up to Eleanors house and park the car on the driveway as the gate was open. This is the first time I've been out the house alone since before Malcom was born and I finally get to relax for a bit but I'm still going to be worried about him the whole time. It will be nice to be with my friends as well because I've had enough of Anna going on in my ear about how much she hates Adam then how much she loves him. I get that it's a tough situation but Adam just needs to suck it up and tell her how he feels so they can sort it out. She said before I left she was thinking of talking to him but she wasn't sure if she was ready to see him again. I stop thinking about her problems and snap back into reality, I jump out the car then head to the gate. I open it and start walking towards the front door but realise they're probably going to be in the kitchen so I head towards the doors that go into the dining room/kitchen. I look into the window and as soon as I do Eleanor sees me so she jumps up and opens the door.

"You're here!!" She exclaims as she gives me a hug.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to feed Malcom before coming." I say as I enter the house.

"Honestly it's okay!" She says squeezing my arm.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit at the table joining Anna, Caitlin, Milly and Will then Eleanor sat down.

"Hey, how have you been?" Anna asked me.

"I've been doing quite well actually, better than I thought but these past few days have just been driving me crazy!" I say.

"Isn't Adams wife staying with you?" Caitlin asks.

"Wait what!! Spill the tea!!" Eleanor exclaims.

"Yeah she is."

"Why's she staying with you?" Milly asked.

"Some stuff happened between them two last Friday and well it caused a lot of drama."

"What happened! Spill!" Will insisted.

"Well it was all going fine until Adam brought up the cheating incident 8 years ago, he wanted me to tell Talia what happened but I refused and he started getting all frustrated."

"My god what a dickhead!" Eleanor said.

"Then....he told me he....still has feelings for me."

"WHAT!" They all shout.

"Adam still likes you?" Caitlin says shocked.

"That's what she just said you idiot." Eleanor said whilst hitting Caitlin round the head.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Anna asked.

"No of course not!!! If I still had feelings for him I would of talked to Johnny about it."

"Sure you would." Milly said sarcastically.

"I'm being serious! Adam is my past and I want to forget I ever had a relationship with him."

"Do you know what's going to happen between them?" Will asked intrigued.

"She said she might talk to him today and I really hope she does, I genuinely can't stand living in a house with her anymore."

"Surely she can't be that bad." Caitlin said.

"All she's done is talk about how much she hates Adam then how much she loves Adam. Why can't she just make up her mind."

"Remember this was you 8 years ago, you do have to feel sorry for her." Anna said.

"I know I do and I'm trying but life with a newborn is already crazy enough as it is, I can't deal with her problems as well."

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