23rd March 2018

144 2 3

We all jump into the car with the dogs in the back as well as Talia then head to the Goodmans for dinner. After a 20 minute drive we pull up to the house and Johnny parks the car on the pavement. We get out and pick up the dogs, Paris in my arms and Rome in Johnnys arms. Talia also jumps out the car and we head to the door. Johnny unlocks it and we head in.

"Were here." Johnny shouts.

I close the door and I hear Martin scream in shock.

"You bloody pillock!" Martin shouts as he stands in the bathrooms doorframe with Adam beside him.

"Females?" I ask Adam.

"No." He responds.

"Wearing a sheath?" Johnny asks.

"Bingo." Adam says.

"Bit late for that." I say laughing.

Adam looks a bit shocked when I say that but I ignore it.

Martin closes the bathroom door so we can all get through the hallway. We go into the kitchen to greet Jackie and Anna, as well as Santiago, who are having a conversation.

"You're here!" Jackie exclaims.

"And you brought the doggies!" Anna says with excitement.

"Aww lets have a cuddle." She says as she hold her hands out.

I pass her Paris as she's very heavy and hurting my back, Johnny also hands Rome to Anna so she can have a cuddle as well.

"Oh my god you're so cute and fluffy!" Jackie says to Paris in a baby voice.

"We also have some news we want to share!" Johnny says with a smile as he wraps his arm around me.

"You've finally proposed?" Adam says as he enters the Kitchen.

"Can you all stop saying that when we say we have news!" Johnny says in anger.

"He's angry because he knows he'll never propose." I joke.

He looks at me fed up.

"Anyway you're news!" Jackie says with excitement.

"You're going to have to wait now." Johnny says as he walks into the living room.

"I'll go talk to him." I say as I leave the room to talk to Johnny.

I enter the living room and sit down next to him.

"What is up with you? He was joking why are you getting so annoyed about it?" I ask him.

"It's just the fact they constantly ask when I'm going to propose, I'll propose when I'm ready and that's none of their business."

"I totally get that but you don't have to get so angry about it."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't bring the mood down already. We're meant to be celebrating but I'm such a miserable person I ruin everything for everyone."

"Hey listen to me" I say as I place my arm around him "you do not ruin anything! You can't help but be a miserable twat."

We both laugh.

"See there you go! Now please try and be happy tonight." I smile at him then give him a kiss.

They all come in to the living room and sit down. Talia sits in between me and Johnny whilst Santiago is sat on Anna's lap. The dogs are on the floor running about going crazy as they're in a new place.

"So you had news?" Anna says to us.

"Ooh yes our news!" Johnny says excited as he gets up. I get up as well and pick Paris up.

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