18th May 2018

123 2 6

Johnny, Talia and I jump into the car and head to the goodmans for Friday night dinner. We arrive and we get out the car. This is the first time we're coming round for dinner since the engagement, I'm a bit nervous. I take Johnnys hand and take a deep breath, just as he goes to knock on the door it opens. Jackie is standing there with a smile and she looks very excited.

"You're back!!" Jackie exclaims.

"Hi mum." Johnny says giving her a hug.

"Hi Jackie." I give her a hug.

"Hi Beth. Are you okay, I know things were a bit bad when you were last here." She asks.

"Mum can you not bring that up please!" Johnny moans.

"I'm okay Jackie, I'm better than ever." I smile at Johnny and I put his hand in mine.

"Hello Talia, you've gotten so big!" She says as she gives her a hug. She closes the door and we go into the living room where Adam, Anna, Martin and Santiago are.

"Hey guys." I say as we enter the room.

"Pissface, shitface, Talia."

"Pusface." Me and Johnny say in unison.

We sit down on the empty sofa and relax. Jackie enters the room behind us and sits on a stool next to Martin who is sat on the arm of the sofa.

"Did you have a fun time in Sorrento? You look really tanned!" Anna asks.

"We had a really good time, definitely a trip I'll never forget." I say with a smile.

"We stayed in a really nice hotel room that had a balcony with a pool that overlooked Naples. We went to a few restaurants and had a tour around the town."

"We also saw a woman getting married and Talia wanted to say hi as she thought she was a princess. The waiter took her to say hi and got to meet her."

"Then on the last day we went for a morning boat trip which was way better than expected and well." I looked over to Johnny so he could tell them.

"I finally popped the question."

They all looked stunned and Jackie started screaming of excitement.

"Oh my god you're finally getting married!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah!" I say with a smile on my face.

I give her a massive hug and she also gives Johnny a hug.

"You finally had the guts to do it, I didn't think you had it in you." Adam joked.

"At least my proposal was more romantic." He mocked.

"Johnny!" I moan as I hit him.

"My proposal was romantic, I made a heart out of flower petals and candles. How is that not romantic?" He asked.

"You can't deny that is romantic." I say.

"So have you got anything planned yet?" Anna asked.

"We've decided on a place and a date." I confirm.

"1st November in our house." Johnny says.

"We don't want to have a big wedding, just a small one with family and friends. That's why the date isn't that far away, we don't have much to plan." I add.

"Also this way we can have our son there as well." Johnny says.

"Speaking of our son, we decided on a name."

"Really? Did you not have one when you found out the gender?" Jackie asked curious.

"Don't go anything related to a celebrity or character because every time they meet someone they'll be asked if they're named after that person." Adam says sipping his glass.

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