20th July 2018

116 2 0

We pull up to the goodmans house and just as we park the car on the drive Adam, Anna and Santiago pull up to the house. We all greet each other before going in, Johnny goes to open the door so Adam grabs a hose and points it at Johnny.

"Umm Pissface!" Adam says.

"NO!" Johnny shouts flinching.

"Baby." Adam laughs.

"You two seriously need to grow up." I say as I enter the house. We all enter but Adam is still outside putting the hose back.

"Bye!" Johnny shouts closing the door but Adam stops him before he can.

"Johnny!" Adam screams. Eventually he pushes past and gets inside the house.

"Such a cockhole." Johnny mutters.

"Well you would know." Adam says hitting Johnnys arm.

"Argh!" Johnny moans.

"What's wrong?" Anna asks.

"Nothing." Johnny says. He looks at me and shakes his head slightly, I know what he's talking about.

Adam goes to hit him again.

"Don't!" Johnny says pointing his finger at Adam.

"Hello?" Anna shouts.

"Happy Anniversary!" I shout.

"Where are they?" Adam asks.

"Double suicide?" Johnny jokes.

"Maybe they're upstairs." I say. Anna takes the kids into the living room whilst me, Johnny and Adam go upstairs. We start looking around then suddenly Martin comes out of the master bedroom wearing nothing but a pair of bright green boxers.

"What's going on?" I ask quietly. Suddenly Martin looks behind him and is shocked to see us.

"Argh! What are you bleeding idiots doing here?" Martin asks.

"It's Friday night, you feed us." Adam said.

"I told you to come later, remember?" Martin says to us.

"No." I say.

"Who is it?" Jackie shouts from inside the bedroom.

"The boys and Beth." He shouts back. Suddenly Jackie comes out wearing a silky pink nightgown.

"I thought they were coming at eight, didn't you tell them?"

"Hi mum." The boys say looking very uncomfortable.

"Hi Jackie. Happy anniversary." I say.

"Thank you. Martin you were meant to tell them to come later." Jackie moans at Martin.

"What?" Martin says still confused.

"Hurry up!" Jackie says as he goes back into the room.

"What's going on?" Johnny asked.

"What? Oh your mother and I were....having time to ourselves." Martin says.

"Okay." I say now feeling more uncomfortable.

"We were just making love." Martin says casually.

"Oh god!!" Johnny shouted.

"Right! We're going to go and sit in the car for 20 minutes and pretend this never happened!" Adam moaned.

We all go downstairs and bring Anna as well as the kids with us into our car. We're a bit crammed but we make it work.

30 minutes later

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