30th November 2018

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I woke up on the edge of the sofa almost falling off and moved to the middle so I wouldn't fall and hurt myself. I sat myself up and looked at the mess we made in the living room last night, I saw Caitlin on one of the chairs holding an empty jar of Nutella and laughed to myself. I looked over to the window seat to see Millie also zonked out, I stood up and my head started spinning so I nearly fell over but I leant on the sofa arm chair to keep my balance. I managed to stand up straight and wandered through to the kitchen to see how much more mess we had made in there. I entered the kitchen to see Eleanor and Anna at the table eating their breakfast, they turned their heads to see me when I walked in.

"Oooh the brides finally awake!" Eleanor exclaimed.

"Well just about, how drunk did we get?" I ask whilst putting the kettle on.

"You got hella drunk, you drunk at least two bottles of Jack Daniels." Anna said.

"Surely I didn't drink that much."

"We have the bottles to prove it!" Eleanor said getting up and going into the laundry room. She came back out with two litre bottles of Jack Daniels that were completely empty.

"How do you know that was just me?"

"We also have videos of you downing the bottles." Anna said getting her phone out.

"Okay stop! Fine! Maybe I got a bit drunk but what do you expect, it was my last night before being married. I had to spend it with a bang!"

"I'm surprised you didn't throw up with the amount of alcohol you had." Eleanor said sitting back down.

"Morning everyone." Caitlin said coming into the kitchen looking like a zombie.

"Alright you twat." Eleanor said whilst giving her the finger.

"Alright you cunt." She replied back.

"What's the time?" I asked.

"Half 8." Anna said looking at her phone.

"Okay we still have a little while before we have to be there." I say.

"Oh Jackie called, she said her and Anna will be here in about 45 minutes." Anna said.

"Do you know when my mums getting here with our outfits?"

"No she hasn't told us yet, I'm sure she'll be here on time." Eleanor said trying to calm me down.

"I better call her to make sure I know when she's getting here." I said leaving the room to get my phone.

I walked into the living room and picked up my phone which was on the table, I dialed my mums number and put the phone to my ear. It called for a few seconds before someone picked up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi Beth, I'm just about to leave. I need to go to Martin and Jackies to give them their outfits then I'll head to yours." My mum says down the phone.

"Oh okay, I'll see you soon then." I hang up the phone and go back into the kitchen.

"How long is she going to be?" Caitlin asked.

"Probably half an hour, she has to go to Jackie and Martins then she's coming here."

"Should we wake Millie up so we can start on our make up?" Anna asked.

"I thought we were going to wait until Jackie and Anna got here." I said.

"Well I'm still going to wake her up." Eleanor said jumping up.

"Oh god don't hurt her." Anna said running after her.

We all followed her to see what she was going to do, she went over to her and sat on her stomach which made Millie wake up and shout in pain.

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