3rd October 2018

99 2 1

After rushing about the house for hours trying to get the kids ready and put them in the car I also jump into the car then relax. I never realised just how stressful life with 2 kids would be, I know Talia is old enough to sort herself out but I still feel like I have to baby her and do everything for her. I put my seat belt on and take a deep breath out, I get my phone out then play with it for a little bit whilst I wait for Johnny to get in the car. After about 5 minutes he jumps in and we head off to the park, or so I thought. We head towards the park but then Johnny turns a different way than usual, I brush it off as I just think he's just taking a short cut but we start heading in the direction of Martin and Jackie's house. I start to get a bit confused and finally say something.

"I thought we were going to the park, why are we going to your parents house?"

"I'll tell you when we get there, it's a surprise."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Trust me, have I ever surprised you with something bad?"

"You have a fair point."

We continue our journey to Jackie and Martins house but I start getting a bit worried, Johnny has never given me a bad surprise but I have a weird feeling in my stomach. I go on my phone so I can distract myself, we eventually arrive and we pull up to the house. I go to open the car door but Johnny stops me.

"Before we go in I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I've asked my parents to look after Malcom for the day so we could spend today with just Talia."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would of been fine with that."

"I know you would of but I just wanted it to be a bit of a surprise. We haven't had time with just her recently so I thought it would be nice for all three of us to have a bit of time together."

"You're parents are definitely okay with taking care of Malcom today?"

"My mum said yes before I could even ask the question."

I laughed a little and gave Johnny a smile then a kiss.

"Come on, we better get out." Johnny said getting out the car.

I got out and helped Talia out whilst Johnny took Malcom's car seat out of the car. We walked up to the house and I knocked on the door, we stood there for a few seconds before someone opened the door and Val was standing there.

"Auntie Val, I didn't know you'd be here." Johnny said a bit shocked.

"Well your mum wanted me to come round so I could help her today, plus I wanted to meet Malcom for the first time." She answered as we walked into the house and Johnny shut the door behind us.

"He's been a bit fussy recently so maybe it's good you're here as well, I know Martin won't bother helping." I say with a small laugh.

"You're correct there. Hi Talia, I haven't seen you in ages give me a hug." Val says kneeling down and spreading her arms out.

"Hi Auntie Val, I've missed you." She says hugging her.

"Where's mum?" Johnny asks as we walk into the kitchen and he puts the car seat on the table.

"Just upstairs getting changed."

"And Martin?" I ask.

"Probably in his shed." Johnny jokes.

Johnny picks Malcom up and puts him in his arms, he looks at Johnny then gives him a massive smile.

"He's such a daddy's boy, absolutely obsessed with Johnny." I say as I rest my arm on Johnnys shoulder.

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