10th March 2018

159 3 2

I was awoken by Johnny who was holding Paris in his arms, he looked really scared.

"Johnny what's the matter?" I ask trying to wake myself up.

"I think something's wrong with Paris, she's not eating and keeps being sick. I've phoned the vets and they said to bring her in. I need you to stay here with Talia and Rome whilst I take her." He says concerned.

"Yeah of course, is Talia awake?" I say as I jump out of bed.

"Yeah, she's in the playroom. She's had breakfast already so she won't be hungry for a little while."

We rush down the stairs, I give him a kiss and stroke Paris before he rushes off to the vet. I start shaking as I fear what will happen to her. I snap myself back into reality and head into the playroom to see Talia on the sofa watching tv.

"Mummy!" She jumps up and gives me a hug.

"Morning sweetie, did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah I did."

We sit down on the sofa and we cuddle.

"Is Paris going to be okay?" She asks concerned.

"Yeah of course she is, she's just a little sick that's all."

After a few minutes I go into the kitchen so I can make myself some breakfast, I head in there and Rome comes running up to me. I pick him up and give him a little cuddle, he normally growls at me but he just rests his head on me. I hold him for a few more seconds then put him down so I can make my breakfast.

I make myself a bacon sandwich and sit at the table whilst scrolling through my phone. After I finish I wash my plate up then make a cup of tea. I look up at the clock and realise it's 9:30 am. I need to call work and let them know I won't be able to make it in. It's risking my job but I can't find anyone to leave Talia with.

I phone up and say I won't be able to make it in which they understand, I go upstairs to get changed and sort myself out. I put on a pink jumper with a black skirt then put my Anna Saccone necklace on and head downstairs to look after Talia.

Whilst she plays with her toys I start looking for a new job, I look for ones I can do whilst staying at home so I can take care of the kids whilst working. I did consider being a youtuber at one point but you never know how successful you will be. Just when I'm about to give up hope I find a job which looks interesting.

Creating logos and designs for youtubers and celebrities!

It sounds interesting so I look into it. It's something I can do whilst I'm at home and I can use my creativity as much as I want. This sounds perfect!! Imagine what I can do with this job, I could be designing stuff for celebrities! After a little while I find out how to get into this business and it's more complicated than I thought but it will be worth it.


After about an hour I hear the door open, I jump up and rush into the hallway to see Johnny holding Paris.

"Oh god is she okay?" I ask concerned as he gives her to me.

"Yeah, they had to do a blood test but we won't get the results until later." He says as we sit down on the sofa.

"You poor baby." I say to Paris.

"So has Talia been okay?"

"Yeah she's been fine, just playing with her toys."

"Are you okay? You look worn out?"

"I'm okay, I started looking for a new job and may have found something"

"What is it?"

"A business creating logos and designs for celebrities and youtubers. It's good because I can do it from home so I can also look after Talia and the dogs as well as the baby when he comes along. I really believe this will be a good opportunity for me."

"It sounds amazing! I do think you have a creativity side to you that you never showcase, you'll be able to show people your talent now!"

"I really hope so, it will only be smaller people first though like very small youtubers."

"It doesn't matter how small, we all have to start from nothing and build ourselves up."

He pulls me in for a hug and I hold Paris tight who is still in my arms.


I put Talia to bed and get into my pyjamas then head downstairs into the living room. I sit on the sofa with my popcorn and start playing on my phone whilst I wait for Johnny. A few minutes later he comes in looking really happy.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask.

"I just got a call back from the vets about Paris."

"And? What did they say?"

"Paris is okay but we have to take her in for an ultrasound."

"An ultrasound? Why an ultra" I stop as I realise what he's saying, I jump up.

"Paris is having puppies!!" I shout.

"Yeah she's pregnant!!" He says with excitement.

I give him a massive hug and start crying, our little doggie is having puppies!

"My god! This is amazing!" I say as I release from the hug.

"I can't believe it, we literally just got Paris and Rome as well!"

"This is going to turn into a mad house." I say laughing.

I give Johnny another hug and cry again. Life keeps throwing surprises at us, I wonder what the next surprise will be.

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