1st September 2018

152 3 0

I suddenly wake up and I feel all wet, I thought I had just wet myself so I get out of bed but as I stand up I feel a pulling pain down there so I sit back down on the bed. Surely it's not time yet. I start to shake Johnny and as I shake him the pain begins to increase so I scream in shock which wakes Johnny up.

"What's wrong? What's happened?" He says jolting up.

"I..I think...my waters broke." I say in shock.

"Oh my god! Are you in any pain?" He says as he comforts me.

"Yeah quite a bit, can you phone the hospital? I'll get Talia up and phone your mum to pick her up." I say trying to get up but I'm in so much pain.

"Look just stay in bed and phone my mum, I'll wake Talia up in a bit but I'll phone the doctors now. Try to stay calm." He said as he rubbed my back before rushing out the room to grab the phone. I get my phone from the desk and phone Jackie. She answers almost immediately.

"Hello?" I say trying to breath through the pain.

"Beth? Are you okay?" She asks concerned.

"Umm not really, my waters have just broken and we need someone too look after Talia." I say.

"Of course! I'll be right over to pick her up." She says before hanging up the phone. I look at my phone and it's 12:11am, why was she still awake? I get up out my bed and walk over to the wardrobe to get changed. I put on a new pair of pants and put on a grey top with black leggings. I lean against the wall for a second and try to take a breath, I hear Johnny coming back into the room and shouting my name before finding me in the walk in wardrobe.

"I'm fine just needed to get changed and have a little breather." I say.

"I phoned the doctors, they said to get there as soon as possible. Have you phoned my mum?" He asks.

"Yeah, she's coming as soon as possible. Get changed and I'll wake Talia up." I say heading out the room.

"Are you sure?" He asks concerned.

"Yes I'll be fin...AHHHH!" I lean against the doorframe in agony. Johnny rushes over to me and comforts me as I scream in agony. I then hear a voice.


I look up to see Talia looking quite scared.

"Oh it's okay sweetie, just go downstairs. We'll be there in a minute." I say trying not to scream in pain.

"Are you going to give birth?" She asks.

"Talia just go downstairs, please." Johnny says as he comforts me. She walks away downstairs and I scream a little bit more.

"Let's get you downstairs, come on." Johnny says as I stop screaming. We walk down the stairs and I sit down on the sofa, I see the bag is already by the door so I take a breath out. I pick my phone up to see a message from Jackie.

"Be there in 5 minutes!"

I try to relax but all I can do is focus on the amount of pain I'm in. Johnny sits next to me and hands me a plate of toast.

"Here, you need to eat something."


A few minutes later the door goes so Johnny opens it to see Jackie standing there with Martin.

"Hi we came as quick as we could." She said giving Johnny a hug.

"Thank you so much for looking after Talia." I say as they come in.

"Anything for you two, where is she?" Jackie asked.

"Talia! Grandma and grandad are here." Johnny shouts.

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