28th September 2018

111 2 2

I grab my bag from the kitchen counter and say goodbye to Talia and Malcom then head into the taxi with Johnny. This is the first night we've had out of the house without the kids in months. We've always brought them to nights out but we decided it's time we have a bit of time on our own for once. We arrive at the goodmans and Johnny pays the driver, we get out and head towards the house. Suddenly a car pulls up to the drive, it's Adam, Anna and Santiago. I feel my stomach drop as I see Adam but I suck it up and forget about what happened at the last time I saw him.

"Thank god I can breath." Anna says as she gets out the car and helps Santiago out.

"It's not that bad." He says sniffing his sweaty top.

"Oh my god I can smell you from here." Johnny says disgusted.

"Ummm guys." Anna says pointing at the for sale sign.

"What!!" Adam exclaims.

"What!!" Johnny repeats.

"No way!" I say.

"No way!" Adam shouts as he storms his way to Martin who is working on his car.

"Dad!" Johnny shouts.

"Hello Bambino's, females." Martin says as he looks up at us.

"Is this for real?" I ask.

"Is what for real?" He questions.

"The for sale sign." Anna says pointing to it.

"Is the for sale sign for real?" He asks.

"Yes!" We all shout.

"Well you can see it."

"No way!" Johnny shouts as he goes over the door to unlock it.

"No way!" Adam repeats.

"There is no way you're selling this house." Johnny exclaims as he opens the door but lowers his voice as we see a couple standing in the hallway with Jackie.

"I do apologise Paul and Melissa, these are our sons, their partners and one of our grandchildren." Jackie says with a smile.

"Hi, Your mother was just showing us around their lovely house." Paul says.

"Do you guys mind taking your shoes off." Jackie says to us so we do so.

"Thanks for showing us around." Melissa says.

"No thank you for coming." Jackie says as she leads them out of the house. The boys give them evil stares so I just pretend I can't see them.

"So do they wanna buy the house?" Martin asks as he enters the house.

"Martin." Jackie says embarrassed.

"Has she told you about the bodies in the basement." He then laughs.

They look at each other scared and leave the house.

"Bodies everywhere!" Martin exclaims.

"Martin!" Jackie moans.

"The woman smelt of pencils." Martin said.

"I can't believe" the boys shout but Jackie shushes them. She then nods after a few seconds.

"I can't believe your selling the house!" They both shout, me and Anna look at each other worried.

"Boys, we're not selling the house." Jackie says.

"Aren't we?" Martin asked.

"No!" Jackie said.

"So?" I asked.

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