14th February 2018

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I wake up feeling exhausted, I look to the side of me to see no one. Johnny must of woken up before me and took care of Talia. I roll onto my left side and pick up my phone to see what the time is. 6:39am, 14th February 2018.

I place my phone back on the desk and lie back down then get a sudden realisation and jump up.


I haven't got anything for Johnny, I feel terrible!! I pick my phone back up and order some roses for same day delivery. I place the order and finally relax after stressing out.

I can't get back to sleep so I get up and start getting ready. I put on my red jumper with black leggings and my black boots then put my Anna Saccone necklace on and put my hair in a ponytail.

I grab my phone from my desk and check the time, it's 6:55am. 5 minutes before I actually need to be up. I head downstairs and head into the kitchen to see Talia at the table whilst Johnny is placing pancakes on the table.

"Morning sweetie." Johnny says as I walk in.

"Morning mummy!" Talia says as she jumps out her chair.

"Morning you two." I say as I give Talia a hug.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Johnny says as he hands me flowers and a box of chocolates.

"Oh Johnny, you're too sweet." I say. I place them down on the counter then give him a tight hug. I kiss him then I sit down opposite Talia with Johnny at the head of the table next to us.

"I totally forgot it was Valentine's Day today, if I had remembered I would of got you something." I say.

"Honestly it's okay, being with you is the best valentines gift." He says.

I give him a smile then start eating the pancakes he has made which taste amazing!! I can only eat one of the pancakes which is rare because I can normally devour about 3 of them. Normally pregnant people eat loads but I can hardly eat anything!!!

"You don't have to eat it all, I know you've been struggling to eat recently." He says reassuring me.

He takes our plates and washes them up then makes me a cup of tea to wake me up a bit whilst Talia plays in the playroom. He gives it to me and I take a sip, perfect.

"So, should we tell her?" I ask him whilst he sits down.

"We've told everyone else, I think it's time we do." He says.

"Talia, can you come here please?" I shout so she can hear me.

She comes in looking scared as if we're going to tell her off. She comes up to us and looks at us curious.

"Talia we have some big news to tell you!" I say in an excited tone.

"What is it?" She asks.

I look to Johnny and nod my head as to say he should tell her.

"How would you like to become a big sister?" Johnny says with a smile on his face.

A massive smile beams across her face and she starts crying tears of joy. I take her in my arms and she sobs her eyes out which makes me emotional. I can see Johnny getting emotional so I pull him into the hug and we all cry together.

"Are you happy?" I ask whilst I'm still crying.

"Yes!" She exclaims.

"What do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" Johnny asks her.

"A brother!!" She shouts.

We both look at each other shocked expecting her to say a sister.

"But I'll be happy no matter what." She adds which makes me even more emotional. She is such an amazing child, I wouldn't change her for the world.

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