9th April 2018

119 2 5

It's 6am and we are setting up for Talias birthday party as we fell asleep quite early last night. We set up the presents and I put the cake in her place for when she wakes up. We start blowing up balloons then tie them to places around the house. Before we know it, it's 7am and it's time to wake the birthday girl up. We go upstairs and knock on her door, we walk in there slowly and see Talia trying to wake herself up.

"Happy birthday Talia." I say as I kneel down beside her bed.

"Happy birthday sweetie." Johnny said kneeling down beside me.

"Thank you." She says still half asleep.

"Come on, let's go downstairs." I say as I take her hand.

Johnny goes down before me so he can light the candles, I sit on the top of the stairs with Talia waiting for Johnny to call us down.

"Okay ready." He shouts.

I take her down the stairs and we walk into the kitchen. Me and Johnny start singing Happy Birthday, she gives us both a hug then sits down at her place. She blows out the candles then she starts unwrapping presents and opening cards. We let her have 1 slice of cake for breakfast but give her some toast after so she doesn't just have chocolate this early in the morning.

Johnny cleans up our plates whilst I throw away the wrapping paper and then sort out her lunchbox for school. Talia sits in the playroom playing with her new toys and we start prepping the house for later. About half an hour later Johnny drops Talia off to school so I sort out the rest of the decorations. When he gets back we continue decorating the house as well as the garden for most of the day. It got to about 2pm and we finally finished making the house look presentable.

I go upstairs and start getting ready for the party, I get my outfit from my desk and lay it out on the bed. It's a pale pink off the shoulder skin tight dress at knee length. I curl my hair and put half of it up in a low bun then start doing my makeup. I go for a natural look with a pinkish red lip as well as pink eyeshadow. I head downstairs and put on my black boots with some black socks. I head outside to see Johnny setting up the decorations on the table. He turns around and sees me.

"Oh my god, you look fucking incredible. I sure am one lucky guy." He says as he comes up to me and gives me a kiss.

"And I sure am one lucky girl." I say as I smile at him.

"I've nearly finished decorating the tables, I'm not going to bring the cups or plates out yet as it's a little bit windy."

"Yeah that's fair enough." I get my phone out and look at the time. "Shit it's 3pm you need to go get Talia. I'll carry on sorting out the house."

He gives me another kiss and heads out the door to go pick her up. I put all the signs in the right places so people know where they're sitting. The table plan is:

Table 1:
Jackie Goodman
Martin Goodman
Adam Goodman
Anna Goodman
Santiago Goodman

Table 2:
Alice Dean
Patrick Dean
Samuel Dean
Ben Dean
Eliza Dean

Table 3:
Talia and her friends

Table 4:

Me and Johnny had our own table but anyone was welcome to sit wherever they wanted if they wanted to talk to someone else.


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