16th February 2018

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We drop Talia off at her friends for her sleepover then took Rome and Paris to my friends house for a few hours. We then head to the Goodmans for Friday Night Dinner. Adam and Anna got a babysitter for Santiago so for the first time in 8 years it will be just us adults but sadly I can't drink due to the pregnancy.

We pull up to the house and Johnny parks the car on the pavement as Adams car is on the driveway. We get out and head to the door, me and Johnny had a fight just before we got there so we were still a bit annoyed at each other. Johnny goes to unlock the door but it flings open and Adam is stood there.

"Pissface, shitface." He says greetings us.

"Pusface." Johnny says in a miserable tone. He pushes past him and heads straight into the kitchen.

"What's up with Pissface?" He asked as he closed the door behind me.

"We got into an argument and he's still being petty about it." I respond.

"Oh god what about?"

"He was complaining saying I don't do much around the house when he was the one who told me to stop doing it. He'll apologise to me in a minute, he can't go an hour without being nice to me."

We walk into the living room as I can't deal with Johnny right now. We sit down on opposite sofas and continue our conversation.

"Where's Anna?" I ask.

"Helping Martin with something. Science probably." He responds.

Johnny comes in and Adam tries to trip him up.

"You bastard!" Johnny shouts then they start fighting.

"Boys stop it! You'll hurt each other!" I shout at them. They stop and Johnny sits next to me.

"Why you so miserable?" Adam asks even though he knows the answer.

"It's none of your business!" He snaps back.

"He was only asking a question you don't have to be so aggressive towards him." I say to Johnny.

"Adam will you give us some privacy for a second?" Johnny says as he motions his head towards the door. He leaves and I turn to him.

"Why are you being so miserable? Did our fight effect you that much?" I ask him.

"No it's not that, it's just I'm worried about Talia that's all. I know she's safe but I don't like the idea of her being in someone else's care. Especially the way I was treated by my friends parents, it frightened me and I don't want the same to happen to her." He struggles to get his words out as he is so emotional.

"Hey listen to me, I am sure she is safe and happy. If I didn't trust her friends parents I would never of let her go to their house. Before she goes to bed we can call to make sure she's okay." I cuddle him and kiss him on the head.

"I'm sorry for being such a miserable twat, I just care so much for her and don't want to see my baby hurt."

"I know you don't, neither do I. Anyway tonight we should be celebrating, we're revealing the gender later!"

"We definitely brought the balloon?"

"It's in the car, we'll get it after dinner."

I get up so I can go say hi to Jackie and I pull Johnny up, he gives me a hug then kisses my head. I smile at him then I head into the Kitchen. I walk in and see Jackie leaning on the counter talking to Adam.

"Hello Jackie." I say as I run up to her.

"Hi Beth! How are you?" She says as she gives me a hug.

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