17th January 2018

230 3 1

We drop Talia off at school then head to the doctors, I am so nervous. It's been so long since I last went to the doctors for a pregnancy, it feels odd but I know how everything goes this time. It takes us about half an hour to get there and once we do we park then head in. I can't believe this is happening again, at least this time it was actually planned. We check in then sit down.

"This is quite exciting isn't it?" Johnny says to me.

"Yeah it is, I'm nervous though. I know we've done this before but it's still scary." I say.

He takes his hand into mine.

"Listen I'm right here beside you, I promise I won't leave your side." He says.

I place my head on his shoulder until we were called. We head into the room and the doctor does a test to make sure I am actually pregnant. Positive.

He tells us about everything we need to know and we do everything we need to do. After half an hour we are out of there and we are heading home.

"That was so much easier than the first time." I state.

"Well we knew what to do so it wasn't like he needed to tell us." He comments.

"I hate having to keep this from Talia. She's smart, she'll find out soon"

"We don't want anyone knowing yet and she'll start telling everyone. It's only for a little while anyway."

"Yeah I guess so."

We get back home and jump out the car. Johnny heads to his office to sort things out whilst I finish decorating Talia's room. For an 8, nearly 9, year old she is very lucky to have a massive room and her own bathroom. I finish cleaning the room then sit down on her bed.

It tired me out so much and I know it's going to get harder from here. I don't want to work too hard incase I harm the baby. I sit there for about 10 minutes then get back up and head into Johnnys office. He is on his computer watching YouTube, I blame myself for that. Ever since we got together we have been watching so much YouTube and I've gotten him addicted.

I flop down onto the chair next to him and see he's watching JaackMaate. Another person I got him into. After a few minutes I fall asleep on the chair and he carries me to the sofa in the other room.

I wake up a few hours later on the sofa with a blanket over me with the curtains and doors closed. I look at my phone and see it is 3:40pm. There is also a text from Johnny.

"I've gone to get Talia, will be back at about 3:45. Please rest! Love you x"

I put my phone back down and get up. I am starving so I grab a snack then start cleaning up. I know he said to rest but I can't waste my time doing nothing. After a few minutes I hear the door open and Talia talking to Johnny. A few seconds later they enter the kitchen and Talia comes running up to me. I give her a massive hug and I ask her about her day. She goes and puts her stuff away so it is only Johnny and I in the kitchen. He turns to me and gives me a massive hug, I needed it. Despite doing hardly anything today I've felt so worn out and fed up.

"I told you to rest, don't over work yourself at the moment. You need to keep some of that energy to look after Talia. Go sit down and I'll sort out dinner tonight." He says as he hugs me tight.

He kisses my head then I go sit down on a chair. He makes us pasta which is one of the only meals he can cook but he does quite an amazing job of it. After we finish our meal Johnny cleans up everything no matter how hard I persuade him to let me help.

I help Talia with all the work she needs to do for school then take her upstairs for her bath. Johnny cleans her up whilst I get her clothes. After she gets out and drys up she puts her clothes on then I dry her hair. I settle her down and she eventually goes to sleep.

Talia is such an easy child to manage, I wonder what life is going to be like with a second child. I head downstairs into the lounge where Johnny is sat with our snacks for when we watch a show or YouTube.

"So what are we watching tonight?" He asks as I sit down.

"What about some sidemen?" I suggest.

"I'm down to watch sidemen, what video though?"

"Sidemen go back to school is a good one."

He puts it on and we laugh throughout the whole video. We watch another but I've nearly fallen asleep because I am so worn out. We head upstairs and get ready for bed. We get under our covers and cuddle.

Another day done and dusted.

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