26th October 2018

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I drove up to the goodmans house with Johnny in the passenger seat who was wearing a fake sling so he could get out of doing the loft with Martin. As I pulled up onto the drive Adam also pulled up to the house and parked on the pavement. I got out and grabbed Johnnys jacket from the back then helped Talia out of the car. We had dropped Malcom at my parents house for a few nights as they really wanted to see him and give us a bit of a break. I got round to the other side of the car and opened the door for Johnny, I genuinely couldn't believe he was doing this.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah." He said getting out.

"Pusface take Johnnys coat" I said as I threw it to him.

"Yes Madam Shitface, I'll just drag it along here." He said as he dragged it along the floor.

"Oi!" Me and Johnny moaned as we kicked him nearly making him fall over.

"Worst job ever!" Adam moaned as he opened the front door.

"It won't be that bad." I said.

"How is clearing out the loft with Dad not that bad? Anyway why aren't you helping us?" He asked.

"Because I have a child to look after remember as my fiancé was very stupid and decided to dislocate his shoulder." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"It's not my fault I tripped, the ground was uneven."

"Right, sure." Adam said sarcastically.

"Hello?" I shouted.

"I'm upstairs, one second!" Jackie shouted.

"You know id love to help but ya know." Johnny said as he pointed his head towards his sling.

We went into the kitchen and I leant on the table whilst Talia sat on a chair next to me.

"Adam, could you?" He took his arm out of his sling and punched Adam. "I got you!" He said laughing and dancing so I also started to laugh.

"You bastard!" Adam moaned.

"You didn't really think I dislocated my shoulder did you?"

"Wait, did you know about this?" He asked me.

"Yeah! I was the one who told him to do it."

"Why?" Adam asked.

"There's no way they'll let me do the loft with this thing on, Will they?"

"Right, good very clever!" Adam said sarcastically.

"Coming!" Jackie shouted from upstairs.

"And putting this back on." Johnny said as he slipped his arm into the sling again.

"Obviously I'll just tell mum." Adam told him.

"Okay, then I'll just tell her all the grotty details about what happened between you, Anna and Haley Posner."

"You bloody dare!" Adam moaned.

"Oh he went there!" I said shocked. I was interrupted by Jackie who came into the Kitchen and was shocked to see Johnnys arm.

"Oh my goodness, what happened?" She asked worried.

"Johnny dislocated his shoulder." Adam said as he placed his hand on Johnnys other shoulder.


"You should of told me!" Jackie said who was sat on the sofa to the right of Johnny.

"It was just a little fall, I didn't want to worry you." Johnny lied, I rubbed his arm to tell him he was doing well.

"Oh you are too thoughtful Johnny, Where's your stupid dad? Martin!" Jackie shouted. "Probably still in the rancid loft."

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