4th April 2018

120 2 4

I am awoken by Talia who is still half asleep. She lays down next to me and I cuddle her for a few minutes before getting out of bed to get myself ready for the day. I put on a baggy long sleeved white top with some black leggings as it's the only thing I can fit into these days. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and do minimal makeup. I go back into the room and pick my phone up to see what the time is, 6:48am. I walk over to Johnnys side of the bed and shake him a bit to wake him up. He opens his eyes and looks at me then smiles. I kiss his forehead and tell him to wake up. I wake Talia up as well and kiss her on the head then head downstairs. I make the dogs breakfast and put them in their dog beds. I start making our pancakes then I start to sort out Talias lunch and school bag. A few minutes later I hear Johnny and Talia coming down the stairs so I put their pancakes in their places.

"Morning you two." I say as they come into the Kitchen.

"Morning" Johnny says kissing me.

"Morning mummy." Talia says half asleep.

"I think today might be the day, Paris keeps curling up into a ball and her tail is down really low." I say as I sit down.

"Definitely sounds like it could happen today, maybe in a few hours." Johnny says.

"I hope so, I hate seeing her in pain."

We tuck into our pancakes and manage to clear our plates. Johnny washes up whilst I make us both a cup of tea. Talia watches TV in the playroom for a bit whilst me and Johnny clean up the kitchen. I sit with Paris for a bit comforting her as she is whimpering a bit more than earlier.

At about 8:10am Johnny takes Talia to school whilst I stay at home with Paris and Rome. I take Paris upstairs into our bedroom and put her in the little paddling pool which is filled with newspapers. I grab a soft blanket that is already stained and place it in the pool for more comfort. I sit there stroking her to comfort her and start playing some calming music, it might not calm her but I need something to calm me down.

After half an hour Johnny gets back home and rushes upstairs to see me with Paris.

"Is she okay?" He asks as he rushes over to us.

"Yeah she's fine, I think she's started pushing as she goes to howl but she's making no noise."

I stroke her a bit more trying to comfort her with every push. I start to feel really hot so I jump up and put a black vest on then sit back down next to Johnny.

Paris gradually pushes harder and starts howling louder with every push. Me and Johnny try to comfort her and praise her as much as we can so she knows she's safe. I check to see if anything has happened and i see a sack which Paris pulls out and starts cleaning. After licking it a bit more, Johnny picks up a small puppy which is the same size as a rat. He cuts the umbilical cord and places the dog on one of Paris' nips.

"Here comes another one." Johnny says pointing in between her legs. She struggles to get this one out so I help her by pulling it out a bit. As soon as the next puppy is out Paris cleans it and Johnny cuts the umbilical cord. I pick it up and put it on the nip next to the other puppy.

"The last one is coming." I say as I place my hands on my thighs. Paris is getting really tired at this point but we encourage her to keep pushing so when the puppy is out enough I can pull it out to save her from the exhaustion. She pushes harder than before and manages to pull it out herself without any trouble. She licks it clean and Johnny lets me cut the last umbilical cord. I put the puppy on the other nip and take a massive sigh of relief. I lean into Johnny and he puts his arm round me then pulls me in for a tight hug.

"Our baby did it, we now have 3 puppies." Johnny says trying not to cry.

"Paris was so strong, she did amazing." I say as I stroke her on the head.

"Should we check and see what genders they are?" Johnny asks as he looks at me.

"Yeah we should." I say.

Johnny picks up the nearest one and checks.

"We have a girl." He says with excitement. He picks up another and checks. "We have a boy." He then picks up the last puppy. "And another girl."

"2 girls and a boy!" I say with a smile on my face.

He puts the puppy down and gives me a hug. I can't believe we just helped Paris give birth to puppies!!


A few hours later Johnny collects Talia and I sit with Paris and the puppies on the bed whilst they're in their little birthing pool. I stroke Paris and smile at her, I'm so proud of her as I know the pain she went through. After about half an hour of sitting with the dogs I hear the front door open and close again then hear Johnny talking to Talia. The voices get louder as they get closer to the room. I turn my head to the door and see Johnny and Talia enter the room, Talia has a massive smile on her face which makes me smile even more.

"Talia, would you like to meet the new puppies?" I ask her.

"Yes please." She says with excitement in her voice.

She comes closer to the bed and I move the pool closer to the edge so she can see them.

"I would like you to meet Jim, Bianca and Nina. Your 3 new puppies." I say as I point to them.

"Can I hold one?" She asks kindly.

"Yes but you have to be very careful." I pick up Nina and place her in Talias hands whilst also holding my hand underneath. With my free hand I pick up my phone and take a picture of them.

"Are you excited to have more doggie friends Talia?" Johnny asks as he kneels down to her.

"Yes, very excited." She says with a massive smile.

Johnny picks up Jim and holds him close to his chest. I pick up Nina again and put her back in the pool with Bianca.

"Do you think Jim is going to be happy we named one of our dogs after him?" Johnny asked me.

"I bet he's going to be thrilled." I say as I smile at him.


I get into my pyjamas and say goodnight to Talia. Johnny puts Talia to bed whilst I sit downstairs with the puppies on the sofa. I scroll through my Instagram notifications and look at all the congratulations comments on my post about the new puppies.

"They're so cute!!! Can't wait to meet them and see you guys again 🥺" - Anna

"Might have to steal these little cuties, I want one 🥰" - Eleanor (my Friend)

"More little bambino's!" - Martin

"Hope everything went well, can't wait to meet them soon!" - Eliza (my sister)

Everyone's so happy for us which makes me tear up a bit, I'm so grateful for everyone. Johnny comes downstairs and sits next to me on the sofa.

"I'm so glad everything went well with the birth, I can't wait for people to meet them." Johnny says to me as he strokes my hair.

"Well they don't have to wait long, it Talias birthday in a few days so they'll get to meet them then." I respond.

"Oh god yeah, I was so focused on the puppies I forgot it was her birthday."

"And that's why I've already sorted out the presents as well as the party."

"You are literally a super mum, I don't understand how you do it." He says with a smile on his face.

"Because I know you've got a terrible memory and you're lazy." I joke.

"Okay fair enough, I'll give it to you that I am quite lazy."

"Thank you."

He grabs the remote and puts on a sidemen video. We start to relax for the night so we cuddle close together whilst also cuddling the puppies.

How did I get this lucky?

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