20th April 2018

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I pull up to the drive with Talia in the back as Johnny wanted to drive his new car which I can't stand. I park the car on the pavement like usual and get out. I help Talia out and just as I'm about to walk to the door Johnny pulls up and parks on the driveway. He gets out with a massive smile on his face. I give him an eye roll.

"You got your dads drugs?" I say jokingly. He opens his coat pocket and I see a blue bag full of cakes.

"He better be grateful, I nearly ate them on the way here."

Johnny unlocks the door and we walk in. Martin and Adam come out of the toilet.

"Hi!" Johnny shouted so people knew we arrived.

"Jesus Christ!" Martin screamed.

"Pusface." Johnny and I say.

"Females?" I ask pointing to the toilet.

"Dads drugs?" Johnny asks.

"Dads drugs." Adam confirmed.

Johnny pulled the bag out of his jacket, Martin grabbed it and hid in the bathroom for a bit. Jackie came into the hallway as well as Anna who was holding Santiago which made a tight squeeze.

"Hi Johnny, hi Beth, hi Talia." Jackie said to us.

"Hi Jackie. Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, are you doing well?" She responds. Just before I could reply we get interrupted by Martin coming out of the toilet.

"Thanks Johnny. Oh hello my darling." Martin says in shock.

"You all right Martin?" Jackie asked concerned.

"Yes, just. Doing a toilet." He says awkwardly as he goes back into the toilet. We stood in silence for a bit and then he came back out. "I'll go put a shirt on." He said as he went into the living room.

"So Johnny has some exciting news!!" I say trying to fill the awkwardness Martin had created.

"Your news yes!" Jackie said excited.

"Ahh yes, my news." He started acting all cocky then stood on the bottom step as if he was going to make a massive speech. We all stand at the bottom to hear what he has to say.

"What's the news?" Anna asks Intrigued.

"Well you know I'm the younger and cooler brother but I'm the only one with a an actual job?"

"For proper cocks." Adam adds.

"An estate agent."

"Cock agent." Anna Jokes then gives Adam a high five.

"Guys!" I shout so Johnny can continue.

"And you know how I've been there for less than 7 months?"

"Making the tea, cleaning the toilets." Adam says mocking him.

"Adam shut up!" I say as I hit him.

"Well, I've been promoted!!" He says with a massive smile.

"Oh my god promoted, Johnny that's brilliant!!" Jackie says with excitement.

"Congratulations Johnny, what's happened?" Martin asks clueless coming into the hallway.

"He's been demoted." Adam says.

"Promoted." I say as I step on Adams foot.

"And guess what!! Liz was so happy with the work I had been doing she gave me a company car." He said as he held the keys proudly.

"A company car! Oh Johnnyboo!! I'm so proud of you!" Jackie said as she kissed him on the cheek.

"But see he only makes the tea and cleans the toilets, Liz won't trust him to sell a house." I joke.

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