3rd August 2018

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I stayed up late the previous night getting things ready for Johnnys birthday, many decorations went up and I managed to bake a cake before starting to drift off. I went to sleep on the sofa at about 11pm then set an alarm for 5am so I could carry on setting everything up. When I was woken by my alarm I snuck upstairs into our room and got ready.

 When I was woken by my alarm I snuck upstairs into our room and got ready

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I put on a black top with black leggings and a green sleeveless cardigan. I brushed my hair and put on Johnnys star sign necklace then headed back downstairs to continue setting everything up. I finished icing the cake, which was caramel flavoured, and placed it in his spot. I put a lid over it so it wouldn't go stale and then started wrapping more presents, I looked at the time and realised it was 7am. I knew Johnny would be up early so I wrote a note saying "Stay in bed a little longer and relax, you deserve it :)" then placed it next to him. I went into Talias room to wake her up but I saw she was already awake and dressed playing with her toys. She was wearing a dark green dress with white spots on it matched with golden sandals.

"Morning Talia

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"Morning Talia." I say as I enter the room.

"Morning mummy, you look nice." She says as she turns around.

"Aww thank you, so do you." I go up to her and give her a hug.

"Is daddy awake?" She asked.

"Not yet, I still have things to prepare for this morning so I might need your help."

"Yes please I'd love to help!"

I take her hand and we go downstairs into the kitchen where I carry on setting up decorations whilst Talia writes in a card for him then she starts helping me with the decorations. I place all his cards by his cake then start to make our breakfast which is pancakes, bacon and maple syrup. I also make us both a cup of tea then leave it in his spot with his cake. I check the time and it's 8:28am. I tell Talia to go get Johnny but stay at the top of the stairs until I call them. She runs out the room and up the stairs. I get some candles and put them in the cake then light them. I hear their voices and get ready to start singing.

"Okay you can come down now." I shout to them. They walk down the stairs and come into the kitchen, they are greeted by the dogs jumping up at them. I smile and then I start to sing, Talia then joins in too.

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