23rd April 2018

120 3 1

I wake up and pick up my phone to see the time, 6:26am. Although Talia doesn't need to be awake until 7am I still get up out of bed and get ready for the day. I put on my black leggings with my black top and put on my Anna Saccone necklace then straighten my hair so it doesn't look a mess. After I've put my make up on and sorted myself out I grab my phone to check the time again, 6:47am. I leave Talia in bed for a bit longer so I head downstairs to make our breakfast. I enter the kitchen and I am welcomed by Rome and Paris who are going crazy. I go over to the corner where the puppies are and they seem to be doing well. I jump up and start to make mine and Talias breakfast. A few minutes later I hear her coming down the stairs and she comes into the kitchen, her pancakes are placed at her spot as well as a cup of milk.

"Morning sweetie." I say as I give her a hug.

"Morning mummy." She says still half asleep.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah." She says as she sits down at her spot.

We tuck in and clear our plates, I clear them up whilst she gets ready for school. I make her packed lunch and sort out her book bag, I place them on the counter then start cleaning the kitchen. I check the time again and it's 7:59am, I get Talia ready to leave and we head off to school. We arrive and we jump out the car. I take her to the playground where she plays with her friends whilst I chat with one of her friends parents. After the doors open she heads into her class and I head back home. I don't normally do the drop offs or pick ups that's normally what Johnny does but for obvious reasons i'm doing it instead. I pull up to the drive and park the car then head inside. I take my shoes and coat of then flop down on the sofa in the living room, I put a blanket over me and put on some YouTube. I pick up my phone and start scrolling through Instagram and twitter. I put it back down but as soon as I do I get a notification, it's a text from Adam. I open it and then read it.

"Hey Beth, I know you probably don't want to hear from any of us right now but I just wanted to let you know how bad Johnny feels. I know how much he hurt you and it pains us all to see you so upset. Mum and Dad didn't stop shouting at him when you left the other night, he feels so guilty for his actions and I think he really wants to talk to you. I'm sure he'll message you later but I just wanted you to know that we're all thinking of you, hope you and Talia are doing okay x"

I've always cared about Adam and I knew he always cared about me, I reply back to him.

"Hey Adam, thanks for checking up on us. We're both doing fine. I appreciate you telling me about Johnny but I think this is something he needs to do on his own. Hope you, Anna and Santiago are okay x"

I put my phone down then a few seconds later it rings, it's Adam. I answer it and put it on loud speaker. I hear Johnnys voice.

"You don't understand! I hurt her and I'm scared she'll never forgive me, I'm terrified she'll rip me away from my children. I'm such an idiot, I just want her back!" He starts to cry and Adam hangs up the phone.

Tears start to fill my eyes and eventually I'm in floods of tears. I love Johnny I really do, I just want to know why he did what he did. I go to pick up my phone to text him but hesitate, I shouldn't be the one who goes back not after what he did. If he wants me back he should be the one to come to me. I carry on watching the tv and a few minutes later I hear a knock at the door, is it Johnny? I jump off the sofa and go to answer the door, I open it and there's a man holding a bouquet of flowers but no sign of Johnny.

"Are you Beth?" He asked.

"Yes I am." I say hesitantly.

"These flowers are for you, some guy delivered them to the post office as he didn't want to deliver them in person." He says as he hands me the flowers.

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