7th September 2018

146 2 4

I am upstairs breastfeeding Malcom when I hear the doorbell go, I was about to get up but Johnny shouted up to me.

"I'll get it."

I hear the door open and Jackies voice, I finish breastfeeding Malcom then head downstairs to greet them. I hear them in the living room so I go in there and see Anna, Adam and Johnny on the sofa, Jackie and Martin on the arm chairs whilst Talia and Santiago were by the window playing.

"Hey guys." I say as I come in.

"Ahh Beth!" Anna says getting up to hug me.

"Sorry I was just feeding Malcom." I say sitting down on the armchair next to Johnny.

"Aww it's okay, Have you been coping okay?" Jackie asked.

"We've just about managed." Johnny says.

"Many early morning feeds but I think I've gotten used to it now." I add.

"I remember when Jackie had to wake up at 2am to feed these two pillocks." Martin said.

"Thanks dad." Adam said.

"How's Talia been with him?" Anna asked.

"She's been helping us a lot and she's definitely not jealous. They're best friends." Johnny said.

"Aww I'm glad they're getting along." Jackie said.

"This means you can start drinking again soon." Johnny says.

"I've actually realised I don't need alcohol to have fun, I think I'm going to give it up completely." I said with a smile.

"Aww good on you Beth, I wish I could do that but being in a house with Martin I have to constantly have a drink at hand." Jackie jokes.

"I better go check on the dinner, do one of you want to hold him?" I ask as I get up.

"May I?" Jackie asked with a smile.

"Of course!"

I walk over to her and pass him to her. Anna gets out her phone and takes a picture of them. I leave the room and head into the kitchen to check on the food, the steak is cooking well and the chips are almost done as well as the veg so I start to get the plates out and place them in everyone's spaces. I get 3 dishes out so I can put the food in them, the food is done so I place the steak, veg and chips in the separate dishes. I call to them and a few seconds later they all come in. Anna is now holding Malcom so she passed him to me and I put him in his trip trap which he lays in. I place the dishes on the table and we all sit down. Johnny on one end of the table, me, Anna and Santiago on one side, Talia, Jackie and Martin on the other side and Adam at the other end whilst Malcoms trip trap is in between me and Johnny. We all tuck in to the meal and clean our plates apart from the kids who only eat half their food. Jackie and Anna help me clean up whilst everyone else goes back into the living room. As we finish I turn to both of them.

"Before we go back in there I thought now would be a good time to talk to you both." I say.

"What about?" Anna asked.

"Well I've been thinking about who I want my maid of honour to be for the wedding but I was finding it really hard to choose between you both so I decided to have you both as my maids of honour."

"Aww Beth thank you so much!" Jackie says as they both give me a massive hug.

"I decided we could go shopping for the materials soon as my mum is making the dresses." I say.

"Beth I'm so glad you've chosen us to be your maids of honour." Anna says with a smile.

"It wasn't actually my idea, I have to give credit to Johnny for suggesting it." I say.

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