Chapter 1

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Harry's POV 

It's my wedding day today. Everything is almost done, everything the ceremony would take place in the garden, since my family is the richest one here in Miami. We have a building company Connick Inc. My grandmother, my father, my cousin, her husband I rule different shares. It's the most powerful company in Miami.

The guests are arriving, the catering is preparing the meals and my beautiful and spoiled soon-to-be-wife Sasha is getting ready the next door for our big day. 

Sasha.. Daughter of one of the rich people in the industry. Dad wanted me to marry her so that their money would come to ours. Even if she is pretty spoiled, she works hard. 

Im in my bedroom, getting ready too. Im about to grab my phone and call my cousin when she called me. 

"Hi Jennifer" I answer immediately. "One, Two, Three" she said seductively and opened the door. 

She's wearing a short yellow dress and her hair is in curly waves. "I've been waiting for you" I said as she threw her arms around my neck. 

"I missed you" she whispered and crashed her lips onto mine. 

We made out while I was undressing her. "I wait a bit" I said and backed off. "What? Why?" she said confused. I grabbed my phone and turned on the camera. "What? Are you going to record our sex?" She giggled 

"Oh Yeah" I smiled. "And we will show it to the bride?" Jennifer came to me and rubbed my chest, biting her lower lip. 

"Or to your husband" I kissed her neck. "I got a special dream movie for him" Jennifer giggled 

We kissed for a little more and she stopped. "What?" I said confused. "Are you really getting married?" she asked. I could feel tension in her voice that she didnt want me to. "Yeah. You lost the bet, so im getting married to Sasha". "Don't worry Jen, Im just getting married, not becoming a fool. I'll be always yours" I kissed her forehead, still lying on her top. I use my arms for support.

"I know what is mine and I know how to guard it" she bit her lip. "What do you mean?" 

"Have a new bet. You wont marry Sasha" 

"What? This is insane" I shake my head and lay next to her on my bed. "Or I'll tell, grandma" she threatened me. 

"It'll be easy. I'll just go her and say 'when you write your diary, instead of 'I get married to Harry' write 'Harry left me before our wedding'" I smiled

"Not like this.. I want drama. You will leave her in front of the altar. In front of all people's eyes" 

I smirked. "Make love to me on the window" I said and get off of the bed. I held her arms and dragged her to the big window. Since it's open, I sat on it and Jennifer kneed down in front of me.

Oh God.. This heaven. She sucked my dick.

I heard the dog barking at someone outside. I looked out of the window and saw two girls trying to escape from Onix. 

"Onix! Sit down!" I commanded him so that he would stop barking. The girl with hazel brown hair is very beautiful. She was watching at me. We lock a gaze "Amazing" I whispered.

"Yeah, Im very good at this" Jennifer said. "No.. Yes.. I mean about the girl outside" Jennifer pouted and stand up. 

The girl waved and headed inside. She's from the catering, I guess. 

Jennifer started dressing up herself while I was still drooling on the window naked. "You wanted to make love on the window so I did it. What about you? Will you leave Sasha on her wedding day?" 

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