Chapter 2

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James' Point Of View.

After my shift of working on cars was over I didn't want to go home, especially since my dad acts like he hates me. So, I stole a few beers and maybe a bottle of whiskey from my sleeping boss, He is a nice man but drinks a little to much.

My dad found my last drinking spot so, I need a new one. Good thing I know just the place. A small clearing in the forest a mile and a half from the church. The sky is beautiful there. I parked my truck behind the church and walked there.

I sat next to the biggest tree and smiled up at the beautiful sky, the sunset is amazing. I opened the whiskey, "To a better future."

I started drinking, and drinking, and drinking, and I drank a little more.. until I heard rustling behind me. "Hey." I heard Michaels voice. I am really drunk and it feels so good.

I turned around and noticed there was three of him, wow, each and every one of them is hot.. "I know it's just because I'm drunk but.. there are three of you. I'm not complaining.. each and everyone of them is fine as hell."

"Thanks but.. you are a guy.. and guys are friends.. nothing more." He said, kind of like he was reciting something.

"I don't care! I'm gay! Everyone hates me! How much more could they hate me?" I asked him. "I'm gay! I'm gay!" I sang. I just couldn't hold back. "Hey.. you're hot." I pointed at the middle one. "All of you."

"I don't hate you and Thanks but-" he said as I cut him off.

"I know, you're mister perfect! You're into girls, you're going to grow up and have a bunch of kids, be a surgeon, live in a big house in this stupid little town. And you know what? I'm going to die or end up in jail." I said, taking the last sip of the last beer. "And now I'm out of beer."

"You know, I'm not perfect." He said, sitting down beside me. "I want to leave this small town and go to California. I hate it here too."

"Why? You're like.. perfect.." I asked him.

"I'm not. My dad wants me to be something.. I don't want to be. Wants me to be someone that just isn't me." He said.

"Well.. I say.. who cares, raise hell." I said looking over at him. He smiled again.

"We need to get you home, you're drunk and your dad is looking for you." He got up and brushed the dirt from his jeans. "You're gonna be in trouble."

"Like I care." I told him.

"I do." He smiled.

"I'll drive home, I'm fine." I told him as I struggled to get up.

"Where are your keys, I'm not letting you drive." He told me.

"I'm fine." I argued.

"Are you still seeing three of me." I looked at him and yes I am.

"Maybe." I told him.

"Give me your keys." He said reaching his hand out to grab them from my hand.

"No." I said putting them in my pants. "If you want them, you get them." I smiled at him.

He looked at me and then lower down and then back up at my face. "Come on, give me the keys. You're drunk and you don't need to drive."

"Like I said, you want them, you get them." I told him again.

He walked forward and regretfully looked down. He pushed his glasses up and then looked at me annoyed. "Give me the keys."

"Nope." I said popping the p. He looked down in regret. Then he did it. He reached in my pants and then got the keys. "Wow, I didn't think you were actually going to."

"Whatever!" He said. "Come on let me drive you home."

"Okay." I smiled. After We got in the truck he started it up and then we left.

Michael's Point Of View.

I can't believe he actually made me do that.. I think I touched.. it. I couldn't stop thinking about.. whatever. When we were there in his drive way I noticed he was asleep, leaning on the window with his head rested on the door, his arms crossed. He seemed so peaceful, Until he started to move around.

"Please, don't leave me!" He mumbled in his sleep. "I don't want you to leave me." He kept mumbling. "Why would you leave me." I couldn't help but feel bad.. was he thinking about.. no that was years ago. He couldn't still be worried about that. We were kids.

His dad barged our the house and I got out of his truck, and held my hands out trying to stop him. "Please sir, he is asleep, could you wait until morning to give him a lecture, please." I asked once he had stopped. He sighed and went back inside. I went around to his side. I opened the door and made sure he didn't fall out.

"James, wake up." I said. "We are at your house, I'm going to help you get to bed." He opened his eyes a little and smiled.

"Hey Michael."

"Hey." I said as I wrapped his right arm around my neck. He is kind of bigger then me so it was kind of hard to help him. He ended up helping a little more as we walked into his house and up the stairs and into his room. I helped him sit on his bed and watched him try to get his shirt off, he must have changed back into his clothes he was wearing this morning at church. I helped him unbutton it.

"Thank you." He said and gave me a hug.

"It's alright. You're gonna get payback in the morning, you're going to have a major hangover during school." I smiled at him as he sat back kicked his pants off, and he was only in his boxers. "Night James." I smiled and left.

I hope you like it.

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