Chapter 19

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James' Point Of View

I woke up with around 20 voice mails, 18 from Michael telling me he thinks something is up with me and that he wants to help me and then two from Alec which I am to scared to even listen to.

I put my phone on my bedside table and clicked on the first voicemail from Alec.

"Answer my phone call next time.. you know what happens if you do about anything I don't like." The phone went silent for a second. "Come meet me at my house so we can go out, 11 o clock."  The voicemail ended so I played the next one, it was just a reminder to meet him at 11 and telling me to pick up his call.

Sorry I was sleeping.

I have today and then I go back to school, I don't want to spend it with him, I only have an hour and a half to get ready.. I have two options, either go to him or have a nice day before I have an even worse one after school or tonight.

Maybe today won't be bad, do what he says and don't be argue. Maybe today will go by quick and I can come home and sleep without any pain other than my wrist.

Crap, I have to call him and tell him he has to come pick me up, my dad took my keys. I can't drive. I quickly called him and he answered after a few rings.

"Yeah, I'm at work." He said. Dang it.

"I'm sorry, I just had to tell you that you have to come pick me up, I can't drive my dad took my keys." I told him.

"Fine, just be ready it shouldn't take long it's not anything special." He said and hung the phone up.

I put my phone down on the counter and not so eagerly got dressed in a white T-shirt and some blue skinny jeans. I didn't bother to put my shoes on right now I just went downstairs to tell my parents I'm going out.

My parents are both home. I walked down to see them both starring at the tv. "They shouldn't allow this to be on tv." My dad said. A gay couple kissing was on the screen. His comment made me angry.

"They are just being happy, deal with it." I said. My dad looked at me and then at my mom.

"I'm going out with a... a friend today, I don't know exactly what my bud has planned but I think I'll be home before dark." I told them.

I called him my buddy so they wouldn't think of my comment to my dads dislike for homosexuals to be a personal opinion or let them think I am gay.

Even though I am.

"You have friends?" My mom asked.

"Why is it hard to believe I have friends?" I asked her.

"Because you haven't been caught doing your.. events, with anyone other than you, a bottle and a bag with papers." My dad answered the question I asked my mom.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically and stomped up the stairs. I had a hard time pulling my socks and shoes on with the cast but I got it. I put on my black ankle high vans, my favorite pare of shoes.

I looked at my phone, I have a little less than 30 minutes.

I looked through my phone and deleted the text messages from Michael on the newer number that I hadn't blocked yet.

It could be a possibility that Alec Might want to look through my phone because he has trust issues.

I looked in the mirror. I felt like I am forgetting something. My eyes looked down my body and then at my face.. his necklace. I think I put it on my dresser. He is a child going to have a fit if I don't wear the collar.

I put on the necklace and then frowned at myself in the mirror, a few bruises and scratches.

I played on my phone a little hole I waited for the time to pass and not to long after he I fell asleep.

"Wake up." I heard his voice. I felt someone on top of me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Alec, looking down on me as he sat on my torso, and he was smiling.

"Can you please get off of me?" I asked him and he got off of me without a word. "Thank you."

"Now come on." He said. "Did you fall asleep waiting for me?"

"I fell asleep playing on my phone, where are we going?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise." He said helping me off of my bed and then walking out of my room. I fixed my short hair and then followed him out and got into his truck. I didn't say a word to my dad or mom.

We drove for a short while, it felt way longer but we stopped at the diner Michael works at. "Why are we here?" I asked.

"Well, aren't we going on a date?" He asked. "I want it to be here."

He got out and I followed, he told me to sit down at one of the booths and I did, he sat beside me leaving the seat across from us empty.

"Why didn't you sit over there?" I asked.

"I wanted to sit next to you." He told me. He is wearing his black jean jacket and blue pants with some black converse.

"Hello, I am Michael, what would you like today?" Michael asked. It was clear he hadn't seen who is sitting at the table. He looked up at us and his face switched. "Hey, James." He said with a lesser smile.

I felt Alecs glare as Michael look at me.

"Hi." I said and looked away from both of them and out the window. I noticed a small boy playing tag with another small boy running around, the diner is near a park. I smiled at the young boys friendship and then at the older lady sitting their watching them. She isn't much older then me maybe 4-5 years.

Me and Michael used to play like that when we were children. Except our tag was more extreme I made the rules. The person that is suppose to tag the other has to tag them three times and on their final blow the new tagger has to sit and count to 15 while the other player can get as far as they wish. We'd play that game and a few more we tried playing normal tag but Michael wasn't that good at catching me so I would let him tag me sometimes because of how horrible at running he was I went easy on him when I was the tagger.

I had blocked all the noises out when I was thinking about Michael and I as children. I couldn't hear Alec calling me.

"Just get him a salad or something with a water, he isn't answering." I heard Alec say.

"I'm sorry, I zoned out a little." I placed my broken wrist on the table to look at the menu and I got a look from Michael.

"What happened?" He asked, "Not only to your wrist but your face, did you get into a fight? With who? I didn't get a chance to ask after you so rudely slammed the door in my fathers and I'd face." He sounded a little angry.

"He is fine." Alec answered for me. "Just really clumsy aren't you pup?" He asked. Why did he call me a pup?

"Yeah, I tripped and fell, I banged up my face pretty badly.. it's nothing." I told him, Alec was glaring at me and still keeping his smile to make everything seem like nothing it wrong. "Please can we just order so we can eat and get out of here?" I asked a little rudely.

Michael nodded and looked at me. "Don't give me a salad give me my usual." I told him.

"Your usual?" Alec asked me when Michael left.

"What, a guy can't come here to eat?" I asked a little angry sounding.

I wanted this to be a good day, but how could it be with him here? Both of them.

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