Chapter 8

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James' Point Of View.

After my parents got done talking to the preacher, his wife, and Michael, they didn't give me time to say hey to him before they left. I guess he just now stopped denying himself. He knows how his parents feel and that will only make him feel worse, I know it makes me feel worse.

They talk so horrible not knowing their children are that way and it makes the children distant. I know, I have first hand experience. My parents made me ride with them since Michael's dad is planning a Sunday supper and we had to go.

The only thing that made me not mind was the fact that Michael is going to be there. We followed them to their house and we all got out. "You boys can go hangout until the food is done." My dad told me.

"I don't know if that is such a good-" Michael's dad started.

"Honey it should be fine." His mom stated. He motioned for me to follow him so I did and he led me into the woods.

"Is this where you kill me?" I asked him. I smiled and kept walking. I noticed an old building, obviously in ruins, it was basically just 2 walls and crumbling material around it on the ground. I followed him in between the two walls.

He turned and looked up at me. "I like you, a lot. I don't even know why, we just started talking again. I don't know if it is how nice you are or the fact that your hot, or just your personality, heck, it could be all three, maybe even more. I honestly don't know." He told me.

"I like you to." I told him.

"My parents would probably disown me, kick me out of the house. If they found out I'm gay." He said.

"I don't care what my parents say, if they kick me out they kick me out." I told him.

"Then why don't they know you're gay yet?" He asked me. I looked to the ground.

"It isn't that easy." I paused, "and if they don't like me because of who I like then they don't really love me."

"I know but." He sighed, "I can't because I can't tell them that I'm gay. I'm terrified."

"We don't have to tell them. If you don't want to." I told him, laying my hand on his cheek. All I wanted to do was kiss him and tell him everything would be okay, but I can't. I can't tell him anything will be okay because I don't know if it will be. He looked at my lips and then down to the ground. I put my hand under his chin and gently made him look up at me. "Can I kiss you?" I asked him.

He looked a little scared, I could tell it wasn't of me but of what could happen. He nodded and I pulled him into a deep kiss, for a second I pulled away to look at his wonderful eyes and for him to breath. Then I pushed him up against the wall and continued to kiss him until it became a full make out session. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to kiss those soft lips forever.

I pulled away, even though I clearly didn't want to. He looked up at me. "That was my first kiss." He told me, blushing.

I got his first kiss.

I kissed him again one last time, this time way shorter.

Before we knew it, we heard people calling our names. We ran as quickly as we could to our parents as they yelled that the food is ready. Hopefully ya running to them helped them to believe that the pinkness of his face is from running and not the fact that he was blushing.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked his mother, she was the first one I saw as I tried my best to catch my breath.

"Food is ready." She smiled and we followed her to the big out door patio with the big table in the center. We all sat, our family on one side, there's on another. I sat beside Michael, my sister sat beside Michael's mom. Both of our dads were sitting on the end.

They told us to bow our heads so we could pray. The preacher prayed and we ate. There was steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and Mac and cheese. We all ate, our dads talking up a storm. I didn't pay attention. The only thing I was worried about was the fact that Michael, sat quietly playing with his food. My sister sat talking to our moms.

"So, Kara, what do you plan on doing when you graduate?" Michael's dad asked my sister.

"I.. um.. I want to go to school and become a lawyer." She told him.

"That's good, you know, Michael is planning on going to San Francisco and going to one of the colleges there. He wants to be a surgeon." Michael's dad basically bragged.

"Dad that isn't important." He told his dad."

"It's your future, it's important." His dad smiled.

"What about you James, What do you plan on doing." Michael's mom asked me.

I smiled at her before putting my fork down. "Well.. I want to move to San Francisco and work on cars."

"Isn't that what you do now?" Michael's dad asked.

"Yeah but I think I'd like the city life, at least for a while." I told him. "I need a change."

"We weren't aware of this." My dad said. Well one reason is because you are one of the reasons I want to leave.

The rest of supper was kind of quiet, after we all got done eating we packed up and left.
Y parents weren't to happy that I wanted to leave this small town but I don't care, it's what I want to do and when school is over I'm doing it. Michael and I have plans to go to the same city after high school.

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