Chapter 18

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James' Point Of View

I smiled at my mom. "You were crying in your sleep, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Just a bad dream." I told her sitting up on the couch beside her.

They never caught the 'robber.'

"Hoe did you hurt your wrist?" She asked.

"I tripped and fell." I lied. I got up and went outside to see my sister struggling with the amount of things she is carrying. She had at least four bags filled with things. I went up to her and grabbed two and then the door to let her in. My dad had a few bags but I didn't seem to care to much about helping him. I went inside and out the stuff down on the couch.

"You guys seem to always come back with more than what you left with." I smiled. Kara gave me a hug and then looked at my wrist.

"What the heck happened to you?" She asked.

"I fell." I told her. I looked at my cast.

"And your face?" She asked.

"I hit my face on a rock." I lied again.

"I'm going to act like I believe that." She told me. I smiled at her when she gave me a smile. Her smile is beautiful, but I am not going to tell her that.

"Come on, lets go help dad ya ugly." I told her.

"I'm ugly? You look like the grinch with a bad hair day." She laughed.

I went outside with her and grabbed a few more bags. They have a lot, and most of it is clothes.

When we had finished I was siting at the table, eating a piece of pizza. Dad, mom and Kara all walked in and sat down with me.

"This isn't a punishment but I need your keys, you do not need to drive with your wrist in its condition, you will either walk home, let Kara drive you to and from school, or ride the bus." He told me.

I guess I'll walk home, I don't want to let Kara drive my truck anymore, she listens to girly music that I don't want to listen to anymore. "Can I at least keep my keys?" I asked him.

"Nope." He said holding his hand out.

"Well, I don't have them on me right now." I told him. I got up and walked to my room, my dad following. I grabbed my keys from my dresser and handed them to him.

"Thank you." He smiled.

I gave him a sarcastic smile and left my room, him going into his room, probably to lock them in his safe, what kind of person keeps a safe?" My dad. I don't know what all he has in there but now he has my keys.

I walked to the table where my sister and mom are sitting talking about something girly. "Hey, James, can you sit with us?" My mom asked.

I nodded, kind of confused. I sat beside my sister and across from my mom. "We got you some sweatpants, they are Nike, I hope you like them." My sister smiled.

"Your grandmother has left you around 25,000 dollars and her house to your sister." My mom told me. I couldn't help but have a few tears slide down my face, she left me her life's savings and I couldn't even go to see her one last time because of the way I act.

"Gran is dead." I said, I really hadn't taken that in, she is really gone. "Gran is really gone.." I hid my face in my arms as I lied my head down on the table and cried.

"Gran wants you to know that even though you two butted heads she loved you so much, James." My mom said you can tell she is holding back her tears. I got up and gave her a hug, holding her tight. I feel bad for her.

After a while I was sitting in my room. Holding my phone in hand.

Michael: Hey, text me back.

Me: Leave me alone.

Michael: what happened, why won't you talk to me.

Me: stop texting me or I'll block you're number.

Michael: tell me what wrong.

Me: Leave me alone.

I blocked his number and went to sleep.

"Leave me alone, I shouldn't be talking to you." Michael said, grabbing his tray from the lunch lady.

"Why?" I asked.

"My dad, he says you're bad." He said walking to the lunch table. "Come on, make new friends."

"Not everyone like me." I told him.

"Make them, you're a nice guy." Michael told me, sitting with some of his new friends.

"Get out of here, freak." One of the guys at Michael's table said.

I looked at Michael then at the guy, Michael wasn't going to say a word to defend me. He was going to let it happen.

I ran off, throwing my lunch in the trash.

I opened my eyes, looking around at my room, and then my phone. An unknown number was texting me.

Unknown: Hey it's Michael, please tell me what's wrong.

Me: Please I'm doing this for me and you, leave me alone.

I turned my phone off and tried to go back to sleep even with the calls from the 'unknown' number Michael likes to use now that I blocked his phone number. Did he buy a burner so that he could talk to me?

He left me once.. it can't be that hard to do it again. Maybe even easier now that I'm not begging him, my only friend to stay. I'm not a child anymore, I'm not going to cry for him. He left once and it's only a matter of time before he did it again, I just pushed him to do it earlier.

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