Chapter 9

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James' Point Of View

I sat in my room, leaning against my wall on the floor staring at the floor.

He likes me. We kissed. He is Gay!

A freakin hot nerd likes me. I had a big smile on my face and I just hoped my parents don't walk in my. They aren't used to me smiling. The last guy I had talked to when I was 16, I smiled when he actually asked me out and my parents thought I was on some kind of happy drug or something, they didn't know what to think.

I sat on the floor for a few minutes on my phone. I didn't really have anyone to text other than Michael or Kara. I decided I was actually going to do my homework for once so I grabbed my book bag and got my work out. It wasn't long before I found a problem I couldn't figure out. So I decided: Why not call a certain hot nerd and ask him for help.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up, when he did I asked him for help, talking to him was different this time, I don't know how to explain it but it was weird, not in a bad way though. I asked him about the homework and other than that, we didn't talk. I am not the one to talk about what happens or anything unless it is serious. The topic wasn't even anywhere in our conversation. Thank god because I am awkward when it gets to talk about relationships I just like to do it.

After we had talked for about an hour. He ended up letting me have the clothes I borrowed from him but I don't think I'll be wearing the shirt anytime soon unless I lost weight which isn't going to happen.

I layer on my bed and looked down. I haven't even changed out of my clothes that I wore to church. I grabbed a twenty one pilots T-shirt and the sweats Michael gave me and slid some running shoes on. I am not going to run but I want to be comfortable.

I decided to do something other than sit around the house doing nothing so I grabbed my phone and keys. I didn't exactly know where I wanted to go but I didn't really feel like going and doing what I usually do when I'm bored, it seemed to always get me into trouble with my parents and for once, I haven't heard as much arguing as I am used to.

"Dad I'm going out." I told him.

"Where?" He asked. I shrugged and walked out. I'm 18 and the only reason I live at home is that I still have to go to school for the remainder of the year, after that, I'm gone.

Things aren't great and they haven't been for years. I can tell it is my fault, at least mostly. My dad is at fault as well. He hasn't been the kindest and we have even fist fought before.

I decided to just drive. It gave me time to think, some I liked, other things I wanted to forget. Things from my past I'd feather keep away from my present. Things I hate about myself. Things I let happen.

I looked up and I almost went off the road.

I shook that thought away and decided that after that, I should keep my eyes on the road and my mind focused on the vehicle I am currently controlling.

After a while of me jus riding the old roads and listening to music I stopped out by the lake. I am not really supposed to be here because the person that owns it has it as private property. I am great full to this man because I had been up to some things with an old boyfriend of mine beside this lake that he kept secret and didn't tell my dad what he saw. It was just teenagers making out. Two boy teenagers.

I looked around at the lake and his land. It is surely beautiful. Something out of a movie. I'd miss this when I leave, but I will be away from a bunch of other things I wouldn't miss.

I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful scene. I was almost startled when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around quickly to find out who was behind me.

The owner, his name is Mr. Kenley. He can be old and bitter but also a little fun and understanding at times.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. "You know you are trespassing on private property this is about the... hell I don't know how many times I probably couldn't count it on my hands and toes." He went on. "What are you doing here?"

"Sorry sir, but I really couldn't think of anywhere else to go or anything to do and I really like the view." I told him.

"It's fine, I know you just trespassed on my land for the what ever time but you're a good kid." He told me. "For the most part." I smiled at him and looked down at the lake. "You day you don't have anything to do?" I nodded. "You can fix something around my property and I might think about letting you come around a little more often."

I really love this view. "Yes sir, what would you want me to do?" I asked.

"There is a few places in my dunce the need fixing." He told me looking around. I nodded. He has a bunch of land so that'd be a little while before I could actually say I finished. "I have the materials needed."

"I'll get started on it right now sir. I'm going to try to finish it as quick as possible." I told him.

"You wouldn't mind helping me out if I need you?" He asked me.

"If I'm off work and not at school I'll be here quick." I told him. I quickly got started.

And after a long time, it was dark and I was putting the last nail in the last place in the fence that is messed up. I was walking to my truck when he stopped me. "Thank you son." He smiled.

"No problem sir." I told him looking up at his porch. He was sitting on the bottom of the steps to his big porch.

I got into my truck and left.

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