Chapter 23

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Michael's Point Of View.

It's been four whole weeks, when the officer came to ask James the question he asked for everyone to leave so that he could talk to her in private. Today is the trail, they put Alec in jail until today where he could be heard.

I've went over to his house and ever since the hospital, I haven't heard him say one word. He just sits in his room watching Tv, no one has heard him talk.

I sat next to my dad and his mom, his sister is in school and I should be to but I begged my dad to let me come. His dad sat next to his mom.

It was time and they finally called James up to the stand. "James, what is the relationship between you and Alec?"

"It's complicated. My parents don't know but, I'm gay. I used to be with him two years ago, he was very abusive towards me, I thought I was free when him and his parents moved. He came back this year and decided he was going to force me into a relationship with him." He said. I looked down, I wasn't there for him then, I'm here for him now. I can't believe this has happened to him.

"There are marks on your body, are those from him." His lawyer asked.

"Yes sir." James said. He looked like he was almost in tears.

"Could you explain some of them." The lawyer asked.

"I have an 'a' that he carved into my skin under the waistline on my left side two years ago. On the day that it happened he beat me, I have cuts and bruises all over my body and before he tried to kill me, He carved a word into my shoulder, worthless, as he did he was telling me that when he was done with me no one would want me, or love me, I thought I'd die." He said. "There are a few more scars from two years ago that have faded a little."

"Thank you James." The lawyer said and sat down. He has a pretty solid case.

Alec's got up. "Now, why did you not tell anyone about Alec's behavior?"

"I was scared to tell my parents that I'm gay and I didn't really want anyone to know, I was embarrassed and scared that he would find out and hurt me or them." James told the lawyer.

The lawyer kept asking pointless questions and it was clear they were going to find Alec guilty.  They let James get off the stand as the jury went to talk. They weren't in there long, they came out and said they all think he is guilty. James didn't smile or anything but I could tell he was relieved. He walked up to his parents and his mom only smiled. She told me that when she hugged him it hurt him. Everyone was looking at him sympathetically. As they took Alec away He flared at James and James knew he was angry.

I just wanted to hug him and tell him I'm here for him. He didn't talk to anyone, but him and his parents left. I have been running him his school work and he was actually doing pretty good on it, I'd check it before I brought it to his teachers, he didn't know that but I did and I think Mr.Anderson would go to his house and help him with all of his class work, even the stuff he didn't assign that his other teachers did. He was only listening to him, he didn't talk much at all, only to ask in small sentences.

I hate what this has done to him. I hate Alec, he messed James up bad and I know he isn't going to bounce back.

James' Point Of View

When we got home, I took off the suit I was wearing and lied down on my bed. I still haven't talked to anyone. "Hey! James, do you want to go to the park?" Kara asked. I was facing away from her so I shook my head. I didn't want to talk right now. I mean I'm happy that he got locked up but it doesn't take away the pain he caused me or the fact that I still get scared when I do something small that would make him angry.

I know everyone around me feels bad because they didn't realize that it was and did happen. I don't want them to, they didn't know cause I didn't say and now my mom feels guilty.

I got through it once.. I can get through it again. I have one more person cheering me on. Michael has came by almost everyday and has a one sided conversation. I just listen to him talk and talk and I don't get tired of it. I honestly wish I bed stay a lot longer. Mr.Anderson has already came by, I think I only said two words when he was here. I got up and walked inside the bathroom. I took my sweater off and took the big bandage off of my arm. The word 'worthless' is very clear because he cut in so deep.

I looked up at my face and then away. I still have a black eye and a few more small bruises and scratches around my face. I have a big scratch on my neck and a lot of bruises on my chest and back.

Most of the scratches are going to go away but I have a few that I might have for the rest of my life. Including the worthless one. It is a little deeper and hurt way more then the 'A' from two years ago. I hate my body, I hate looking at it. It shows how week and stupid I am. It isn't my shape or muscle size it's the marks on it that bring me horrible memories.

I haven't let anyone see my shoulder where he decided to carve this time or my chest and back. I don't want them to see how bad I was, it's worse enough my doctors had to see it I don't want my family to. I put some ointment and peroxide on my shoulder and then bandaged it up again, it's hard doing it by myself but I can handle it.

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