Chapter 16

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James' Point Of View

After a warm shower that mostly consisted of my crying and getting soap in my eyes like a small child I got out when it got cold. I put on some black sweat pants and didn't put on a shirt. I lay in my bed for a long time. I didn't feel like moving or even living at this moment, all I did was lay down. I want to stay here forever. Not worry about anything. I'm so tired.. I tried to go to sleep multiple times but I couldn't. The cast was bothering me. I can't believe Alec came into my life that quick and changed everything.

I can't believe Alec has trained me like a dog already, I got scared when I remembered he didn't want me to talk to Michael. What the heck would I tell him at school. "My boyfriend that no body knows about and I don't really want to be with, like at all, doesn't want me talking to you because I think he knows how much I like you or maybe he is just paranoid and doesn't know, he doesn't want me sitting with you and I can't really do anything about it because he is stronger than me and he broke my wrist and I'm kinda scared and want to cry all the time." I can't tell him that. I can't tell him the truth.

I ended up going downstairs and sitting on the couch. I looked at my casted arm and then at the tv, "Just you, me and the Tv." I said. I walked over to the couch and turned on the tv, nothing was really on that caught my interest, I decided to get up and get something to eat. I got out the basket of blueberries that my parents got before they left and smiled. They aren't going to be to happy when they get back, I love blueberries and could eat loads of them. I sat down and got on Netflix, looking for a good show to watch, maybe The Flash, Supernatural, Arrow. I clicked on supernaturals and started watching, my parents don't like supernatural because of the angels and demons, Lucifer and God, and all of the things that they say make supernatural, 'satanic' and I love it. Supernatural is an amazing show.

I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he isn't here. I'm left with supernatural one of my favorite shows ever. I didn't want to be anywhere else but away from him and in the comfort of my own home and not in his.

I am pretty hungry so I got up and opened the fridge and the freezer multiple times, until I noticed the pepperoni pizza in the freezer. I got it out and looked at the directions. I put it on a pan and preheated the oven. I waited for the hearing light to come off and then put the pizza in the oven. I set my phone timer for 20 minutes and watched a little more tv. There isn't much. To do in my house but Watch tv, play on my phone, and go to sleep. I think I'm going to get fired until I can actually use my hand so I'm going to be spending much more time not at work and probably at home which I don't like.

I can't go sit in the diner where Michael works because.. Michael works there. I can't go to the clearing in the woods behind the church because Michael could find me there. I really don't have any place to go and I don't think my parents are going to let me drive with my wrist the way it is so I am going to be helpless. No where to go, no where to work, no one to hang out with. I hate this. Why did he have to come back. Why cant school be over with so I can leave. I have I think four to five months left until school is done with and I am so ready.

What if he doesn't let me leave.

What if I don't make it out of school?

I wouldn't put it past him to kill me, In fact there were a few times in the past he came close to it.

My thoughts were interrupted by my timer going off. I smiled and shrugged the thoughts away, one just kept coming back, 'what if he kills me.'

I got the pizza out of the oven with an old rag that didn't help the heat much and then grabbed a pizza cutter and cut it. It's really, really early in the morning so.. this is technically breakfast. I grabbed two slices of pizza and put them on a paper plate.

What I've always thought is why do they call them paper plates, the ones mom buys are definitely not paper. I can't think of what they are made of but definitely not paper.

I'm so stupid. I have a guy that may never let me go and may kill me and I'm thinking about plates.

I sat down and continued to watch supernatural.

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