Chapter 4

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James' Point Of View.

After Michael left I only had a few minutes before lunch ended so I left and decided to walk to my last class of the day. Which happened to be art. We only have 4 classes but switch in the middle of the year. This is the first semester so I haven't taken English yet.

I walked to my art class and sat down next to this preppy girl that likes to talk, there seem to be a lot of those at this school. I am kind of early to this class because I left a few minutes before the bell rang. I hate drawing but The woman that teaches this class is nice. She is a nice woman who has grey hair, glasses, and always has a smile on her face. Her name is Miss. Lee. She is one of my favorite teachers, my other one is my science teacher, Mr.Anderson. He tries his best to keep me out of trouble but he isn't always around.

I looked around at the students filled the classroom, I guess I didn't hear the bell. After her students settled down she smiled at all of us. "Now, we are going to be painting today." I didn't really listen to her but I got the most of it and I made sure I listened when she was explaining the rules, it's bad she had to include, "no painting your body" but we do have some people that like to paint themselves.

She then let us get started with the paint and told us that she just got some new paint in the other day. After a while and a black, grey, and blue painting of a lake and tree, I was done, it wasn't bad but it wasn't that great either. I looked around and noticed a guy get up with a paint brush but didn't think to much of it until a few seconds later, I felt the cold paint brush slide across my face and I got up quickly, obviously angry at the guy.

His name is Corbett and he always likes to pick on me and make me angry, he has had stitches because of me before. He pulled my hair so I punched him and then I punched him again. He just always comes back for the fun of messing with me, I normally have self control but pulling my hair wasn't the first time he tried to pick on me.

I got up and then noticed Miss. Lee, she is such an nice lady, I don't want to cause trouble for her so I leaned a little closer to his ear and smiled, "meet me in the front after school." I pushed him away and then he left with a smirk on his face.

He went back to his group of friends and I saw them laughing.  Miss Lee called him over and talked to him.

I just sat at my desk and tried to black out the girl beside me and her one sided conversation.

After school I went to the front and waited for Corbett to show, he showed up with five guys. "How is this fair?" I asked him with a smile. I don't care if it was fair or not, I'm gonna go straight for him if I can.

"Why haven't you washed the paint off?" He asked.

"I wanted you to see your beautiful art work as I beat your face in." I smiled at him.

"I don't think that is going to happen." His friend smiled, they are all football players and I don't think I can take all of them at once but I can try. He walked up to me and punched me. Pushed him back harder and then punched him, the football players swarmed me. I fell and tried my best to get up but they kept kicking me.

Yep I was way out of my league here, six against one. How fair.

"Get off of him." I heard a male voice. I saw one by one of the football players get pushed away and then my science teacher stared down at me. He held out a hand and then I took it, he helped me up and I felt my face throb and my stomach. "Do you like getting hurt?" He asked me. I didn't answer. "Do you?" He asked a little angry.

He likes to tend to himself and he is very young, almost freshly out of teaching school. He doesn't go to church, he doesn't really talk to anybody, except when he is teaching. "I'm sorry sir." I told him.

He looked at all the football players surrounding us. "If you would like to play in Friday's game, you best go on and Non of you will get in trouble. Leave James alone."

"Yes sir, Mr.Anderson." They said leaving. He is a cool teacher.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asked me.

"No, I have my truck, I have to take my sister home and go to work." I told him. I walked to the parking lot, him beside me. "Why do you act like you care?"

"What he asked me." We both stopped. "I mean why are you so nice to me? It's clear almost all the teachers hate me? Why do you act like a friend to me?" I asked him.

"You seem like you need one, even if it is one of your teachers." He smiled. "And I know how it feels, to be labeled as the trouble child or delinquent of a tiny town, that's why I moved from my home town."

"Why did you move here of all places?" I asked.

"Because, I just did." He told me. I nodded and looked over to my truck, my sister and Michael were standing beside it talking.

He walked away and I walked to my truck. "Hey." I smiled.

Michael looked up to me and walked fast towards me, he put his hands on the side of my face and made me look down to him. He checked my face out. "You need a bandaid." He said going in his book bag and taking a box out.

"I don't need a bandaid and why do you have those just in your backpack?" I asked.

"Yes you do, and because you never know if you need a bandaid." He told me. I nodded and sighed a whatever before letting him put some bland brown bandaids on my face beside my right eye, and on my left cheek. "There."

"Now what are you doing here?" I asked motioning towards my sister and my truck.

"I wanted to know if you'd give me a ride." He smiled.

"Sure, hop in because I need to go to work." I said and they listened. We all put our book bags in the back and got in, my sister in between us.

I let my sister go inside our house and then drove towards Michaels. I let him out and his dad came out, I drove off before he could say anything to me. I pulled over on the side of the rode and got changed In my uniform that I keep in my truck before driving to work.

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