Chapter 22

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James' Point Of View

I couldn't take it anymore, I've been sitting at the table, Alec was nonstop calling. I had to work up the courage to answer his call. I really don't feel like being in pain right now.

When I finally had the courage I picked up my phone, this is at least the fifteenth call. I answered it.

"What the heck!" He yelled, I could tell by his tone he is getting madder and madder by the second.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to hurt him." I told him.

"You didn't want me to hurt him?" He paused, "If you didn't want me to hurt him then you should have thought about it before you went into the bathroom with him!" He yelled, he was already even worse.

"I have! That is the only thing I really think about when I'm with him, when he tries to sit with me! I worry about you finding out and hurting him." I yelled back into the phone, I instantly made a horrible decision and regretted it. I hung up the phone.

It's probably not a good idea but I decided to go for a walk, I didn't want my parents coming home and finding me with tears in my eyes, scared tears, angry tears.

I slid my hoodie back on and then went outside. My sister decided she wanted to go to her friends house.

After a few blocks I was beside the church, I could see the priest's car in the front of it, And Alec's truck was on the road, I decided to go run to the clearing in the woods in the back of the church hoping he didn't see me, I knew it was to late to run inside the church because I saw his truck coming behind. I ran past the clearing and deeper in the forest. I saw a big fallen log so I decided to hide behind it.

I heard leaves and twigs crunching not to long after I decided to hide and they stopped, right beside the log. I knew he had found me so I got up and tried my best to run as fast as I could but he was only the football team and I haven't had any running experience since 9th grade gym class.

I tripped and fell hurting my wrist and my knees even more. He dug his knee into my back. "Why are you running?" He asked me. I looked around trying to take my mind off of the pain, nobody could hear me is I screamed, I can't run from him because he is faster then me, and I can fight him because he is stronger than me. I'm screwed.

He got off of me and pulled me over and helped me get up, then pushed me up against the tree. "You pushed me, did what I told you not to, and then ignored almost all of my calls. You were asking for it." He said. "Why do you even care about that guy? He doesn't like you, he left you! He could probably care less. I'm the only one that cares about you, I'm the only one that could ever love you!"

"I didn't want you to hurt him." I told him, he pushed me to the ground.

"He doesn't love you! How could he? Does he know about your scars? No one can ever love you, and especially not when I'm done with you this time." He said. "I'm the only one that could love you."

I tried to get away but all he did was kick me so I fall again, I tried to call for help but he punched me to shut me up, I tried to fight back and that just caused me more pain.

After he gets done with me, no one would be able to love me, no one could want a dead man. I couldn't do anything and with every blow it got worse, I could taste blood in my mouth, I spit it out.

He stopped and I looked up at him, he went in his pocket and grabbed his knife. I was to the point of almost giving up. He ripped my shirt a little, I barely had enough strength to move, I tried my best to get away but he sat on top of me and put my arm in his lap. I felt a consistent sharp pain on my right shoulder, similar to the one I felt two years ago when he carved an 'A' below my waistline on my left side. He is a sick man.

I could hardly move. The cutting stopped and he got up. My arm is in pain. I tried my best to get up, punching him as hard as I can. He turned around. "Do you really want to die?"

I tried my best to run away but he pushed me down. I really don't want to die, I just want to get away from him. I pushed his hand away and noticed the knife fly out of his hands. I grabbed it and stabbed him, I couldn't hardly breath. He fell to the ground and I got up and ran. I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast because of all the pain. I finally reached the church and thankfully, the preacher was still here.

I still have the taste of blood in my mouth.

I ran inside, him and Michael stood on the low stage and I fell to my knees and cried. Michael and his dad ran to me. "I stabbed him." I said.

"Michael call 911." His dad told him and I looked at them.. and then I blacked out.

I woke up to a beeping noise, I opened my eyes, Mom, Dad, Kara, and Michael were all standing in my room, my mom beside me, sitting in a chair.

I couldn't feel any pain. My mom had tears in her eyes. There was a knock on the door and then A police woman came in.

"Hello, I'm deputy Samantha Jackson, I'm here to see what happened." She said, she has a notepad in her hand.

"Is Alec.. dead?" I asked.

"No, it seemed that you missed his heart, he is fine." The deputy said, "Now I want to hear what happened."

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