Chapter 15

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James' Point Of View

The doctor had said it wasn't a bad fracture so they wouldn't have to do surgery. I told them to spare me the details of what kind of bone things. I wouldn't understand half of the doctor terms anyway, I just told them to fix it. They made Alec stay away and I was happy for it. They didn't know about how I broke it, they asked but I just told them I tripped and fell, half of that was true. I did fall but I wasn't tripped.

They said it is important to treat a broken or fractured wrist as soon as possible. They have an orthopedic technician so they did some xrays and after a while they did a cast, I got to pick what color so I picked black. Edgy? Maybe but it's also my favorite color... or not color? According to my 8th grade science teacher.

They gave me some medicine because it is in fact very painful and told me I'd have 6 weeks before the cast will be taken off.

The doctor told me that I was free to go home and told me to be easy with my arm. I nodded and told him thank you and walked out the door. Alec was sitting in a chair on his phone when I walked out, I was tempted to sneak out and walk home but he looked up before I could do it.

He got up and walked over to me with a smile and hugged me. "I'm sorry." He said, it sounded genuine but I just couldn't believe that it actually was. "Let's take you home."

"My house?" I asked.

He tended and I could tell he wanted to snap. "If that's where you want to go." He told me. He surprised me by his answer. I couldn't believe he actually said that. He never said that before. It was always his way or something worse.

I looked up into his eyes and smiled. "Thank you." We walked to his truck and he opened the door for me. I got in and he closed the door and went to the drivers side and got in.

This is the way he used to act before we got together when he was all flirty and sweet. He was the only one who knew I was gay because he waited until we were alone in the bathroom and he told me that he was gay and I told him I was gay. He was the only one I could talk to for awhile because of how sweet he was to me. When I agreed to be his boyfriend he was sweet for about a week then he was the guy I know him as. The manipulator, the controller, and the absolute reason why I hated myself for the longest time and I'd be lying if I said I was over hating myself because I'm not, it's just not as much as I used to.

I'm still trying to like myself.

He drove me home and I couldn't wait to get out. I unlocked the door but he just locked it again. "I still don't want you to have nothing to do with Michael." He told me in a emotionless voice.

"Can you please unlock the door?" I asked, them I heard the click that told me that it was unlocked. I got out and ran to the door, he didn't lock the door behind me so I just walked inside.

I have this fear of someone being in my house that is going to hurt me or kill me so I kinda checked the whole house for anyone, the closets, the rooms, behind the shower curtains, and behind the couch. I finally went up to my bed. I hadn't been to sleep all night. As soon as My head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

I found myself in the forest floor, picking myself up, I couldn't feel the pain of the hit that had me there. I looked up at Alec and noticed his anger felt eyes. I had told him I didn't want to be with him anymore. He told me I am going to die before I will be anyone else's other than his, I crawled over to a tree so I could try to get up with the help of the tree but he pushed me and now I was leaning against it, I positioned myself to be in a more comfortable spot as he kept on.

He went into his pocket and grabbed the small black knife and put it to my neck, drawing some blood. The blade is very sharp. "I'd like to ask you the question again, do you want to be with me." He was bent down with his eyes leveled with mine.

"Yes." I told him weakly. He sat down beside me and played with the tiny knife in the grass. Like a child. He confused me, how could he go from hurting the one he claims to love to a sweet innocent guy?

I woke up to the doorbell ringing. I got out of my warm covers and headed downstairs. I looked through the little door hole and saw the Preacher and Michael. I opened the door, "What?" I asked.

"Don't be rude boy." The preacher said and then looked at me, I could see Michael checking me out and I smiled a little. But both of them didn't look happy. "What happened you look horrible, and when did you break your arm?"

"Last night." I told him.

"Did you get into a fight last night?" He asked me.

"No." I lied.

"We'll act like I believe you." He told me looking at my wrist.

"Who did this to you? I thought you were a good fighter?" Michael asked which earned him a look from his dad.

"I am, this guy was just bigger and.. I was tired." I told him.

"We came to check on you and tell you that your dad called me and told me they are going to be on there way tomorrow." I nodded and my eyes fell to the floor, I had just remembered Alec's warning. I couldn't talk to Michael.

"Thanks, I'm fine, good bye." I smiled and closed the door in their faces. I locked it and decided to take a shower.

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