Chapter 13

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James' Point Of View

After first block I walked to second. Mr.Anderson was standing be the door and I had my hood on so no one would see my eye. "Come on James, you know you aren't supposed to have a hoodie on." He said pulling it off as I walked away from him.
He hadn't noticed my eye but I felt like he would when I sat down.

I had sat down and covered my face I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up at the person, it was Mr.Anderson. He was bent down to my level. "What happened?" He asked me surprised.

"Normally when I walk around people don't question if I have a black eye and the reason." I told him. "It's normally a fight."

"Is it?" He asked.

"Kinda." I told him. "I'm fine." He looked at me again before he left to his desk. I lied my head down and went to sleep. I had a tough nights sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning. My back hurt from the lim and I have a pinkish purple bruise where the lim dig into my back.

After Mr.Andersons class was my third block History, the teacher didn't seem to notice or be bothered with it, all I did was sleep. When the bell rang I got up and left. I felt a tap on my shoulder as I walked. "Hey James." Michael said. I thought about saying hi to him, Alec can't get into here. He is an adult and has already been through school.

"Hey." I sighed.

When we reached the table he sat down and didn't get a tray, he had a bag in his hand. "What the heck happened to your eye and your neck?" He asked me.

"My eye, a fight, what's wrong with my neck?" I asked.

"It's all read like someone had their hand around your throat." He told me.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"You have a new necklace." He said.

"Yeah." I frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I lied again. I couldn't tell him, one I didn't want him to get hurt, It'd be worse on me if he knew. I didn't want anyone to know.

I felt someone's eyes on me. "I'm sure you got the letter." He smiled, "Dad didn't wright it on the paper but you can come by and eat supper with us tonight if you want. I don't exactly know what we are having, I think it's going to be pork chops and mashed potatoes and gravy."

"Thanks, I might come, I don't know." I told him.

"Sweet." He smiled. "I hope you do."

"What time do you eat?" I asked. "I get off at 10." I told him.

"I'll be up, my parents won't, you can come in, I'll make sure you have a plate waiting for you, if you are tired you can come and grab the plate and go home or you can come hangout with me." He said and looked in his bag, he grabbed a slim Jim out. "I'm sorry about the other day I like you, what are we? Are we friends? What?" He asked.

"It's complicated.. we have to stay friends right now." I told him. I didn't want him to get hurt.

After lunch I went to fourth block and then left school. I drove to work. I hate the fact that he works here now. I grabbed my work clothes and told him I'd change in the bathroom. Alec followed me. "I'm going to change." I told him.

"I know." He told me, still following me. When He closed the door to the small bathroom. It's not like I could go into a stall and change because it's just a toilet and a sink, there is only one. "It's not like I haven't seen all of you before." He said.

"Please get out." I told him.

"No. And You'll be late if you don't change." He said no and put his index finger under the necklace and pulled me closer to him. "Do I have to help you?" He asked.

I pulled away and got in the corner, I pulled my pants off and slid the jumpsuit on, leaving my white T-shirt on. I quickly pulled on my work boots and pushed past Alec. We got started to work. I worked as hard as I could, it helped me take my mind off the fact that he was now working with me.

I hadn't even noticed the time go by. "I think I might give you a raise if you keep working this hard." My boss smiled.

"Trust me, I will be." I told him. A few more hours passed and it was time to go home. My boss locked up the shop and I got in my truck, before I could leave, Alec opened my door.

"Good boy. You still have my necklace on." He smiled. I didn't say anything I didn't even look at him, all I did was look straight at the closed shop. "I'm going to follow you to your house." He told me. I didn't want to argue with him because I wanted to breath.

"You head to my house I have to make a pit stop." I told him. I'm so hungry. He nodded and tapped my cheek lightly and left to get in his truck. I closed my door and headed off to Michael's house. I better hurry.

When I got to Michael's I ran up to the door and knocked. "Hey." Michael opened the door.

"Hey, I am really tired, I think I'll get a plate and go home." I told him. He walked in his house and soon came back with a tin wrapped plate. I smiled and told him thank you before I left. When I got home he was standing behind truck. I got out with my food and keys and opened the door to my house. He followed me in and then closed the door, I sat my plate on the kitchen island and then felt him push me up against it, my stomach hitting the counter hard.

"Did you think I wouldn't know that you talked to that brat?" He asked me. "I have friends in your school." My stomach hurt so bad, I tried to push myself off of it a little but found it extremely hard. "I know how you two flirt."

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