Chapter 11

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James' Point Of View

Me: Alec

Unknown: Good, you remember.

I put my phone down and walked outside my room. I kept hearing it vibrate. He was still texting. The tears kept falling. He had moved away with his parents because his dad got a better job. I thought I was free.

I suddenly felt like I couldn't breath. I walked into my parents room and pointed to my throat. They were in there talking about how they are leaving tomorrow. "Hey hunny." My mom said running over to me, she could tell I was having a hard time breathing. She could tell something was wrong. "Gun give me the inhaler." She said basically sprinting to my dad. He grabbed my old inhaler from the shelf near his bed and handed it to her.

I breathed in the medicine in it and I felt kinda better. I could breath a little more.

"You haven't had an attack in a few years." She told me. It was around the time Alec left I got better. They didn't know what had happened with him.

"I'm fine." I told her. She handed my inhaler to me.

"Hun should we go?" She asked my dad.

"I'm fine, go." I told them. "I'll call the preacher if I need help, I have my inhaler, I'm fine. Gran needs you more than I do."

I walked out their room before they could ask me what's wrong or tell me they are staying. My sister came out her room and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." I said walking into my room. I couldn't help but have a peek at my phone, I didn't want to but felt like I had to.

Alec: So, do you want to meet at our spot tomorrow?

Me: Not really.

Alec: It looked like a question but that was just me being nice, come by our spot tomorrow or I could come by your house, I herd your parents are leaving tomorrow morning. Come by, 9pm.

Me: No

Alec: Fine, see what happens then. Either way I get what I want. I'll be waiting there tomorrow night.

I put my phone back on the table and got in my bed. I rolled over and faced the wall, I wanted to think about anything but him. It didn't take long for me to go to sleep. I hated him. I hate him.

When I woke up that morning and realized school has already started, I just decided not to go, I wasn't feeling the best, I felt like I could throw up. I heard my parents shuffling around the house, my mom came in my room.

"Hey honey, are you feeling better, you don't have to go to school." She told me.

"I think I'm going to lay here for a while." I told her.

"Okay honey." She smiled and hugged me. "I'll see you in a little while. I love you."

"Love you to." I told her. Even after all the fights I've been in, the arguments I've had with my dad she still treated me like her small prince.

She left and Not long after I heard the door to the house close. I constantly watched the clock. It is 10 o clock right now I had some time to kill, but I still have to go to work today. Dang.

I don't get off of work until 10. I have to be there at four. I couldn't help but smile I might not have to go.

Me: I can't be there at 9

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