Chapter 21

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James' Point Of View

I could tell today isn't going to be a good day by what happened when I woke up. It is currently 9:45 in the morning and school started at 8 o'clock. I stubbed my toe when trying to put on my pants with just one hand because of my wrist hurting, and I hit my left wrist, which is the broken one, when I was putting my shirt on. I put my shoes on, brushed my teeth, and ruffled my short hair.  I have a yellow T-shirt on with black, ripped skinny jeans and black nike shoes.

I realized, the bus has already come, my parents aren't here because my mom said she was going to the store last night, and my dad has my keys.. I need to get to class as quick as possible. I can't even ride my bike. Everyone I know is either at work or at school.

I have to run to school. I slipped my grey hoodie on and grabbed my book bag, shooting out the door. I'm hungry, I'm in pain, and I'm late for school.

Normally I wouldn't make a big deal about it but, I'm trying to pass and get out this year and I certainly don't need a 0 on a test.

I ran as fast as possible until I got to school, I fell a few times and the fact that I wore black pants helped a lot.. other then the holes because I skinned my knees up pretty bad. I don't have grass stains on my hoodie.. that's a plus. I didn't mind my hurting knees as I ran even faster.

I finally made it. I ran inside and to my classes. My teachers didn't really care that I was late they just gave me my work and asked why. The rest of my classes were nice.. the bleeding in my knees stopped it just hurt really bad to walk.

Lunch, finally. I'm starving. I walked to lunch.. or should I say I linked to lunch and sat my bag  down at my table and left and got pizza from a lunch line.

I sat down at my table, eating the pizza quickly. "Hey, James." Michael said sitting his tray down.

"Please, go sit somewhere else." I told him, taking a bite out of my apple.

"Why?" He asked. "I have a few questions first."

"Please." I sighed.

"Is that your boyfriend?" He asked, I didn't answer. "Did he hurt you?" I ignored him. "Why won't you talk to me?"

I felt eyes on me. Corbett is one of Alec's Younger friends and I know he was the one that told him about me and Michael sitting together.

I looked down at my almost empty tray. "Since you won't leave I will." I said getting up from the table, grabbing my bag and tray, putting the tray in the trash, and leaving. I walked into the bathroom and I could tell Michael was right behind me. I got into the bathroom and turned around waiting for him to follow in.

"Please, just leave me alone, don't worry about me. Go to your life before you started talking to me again. I don't want you to get hurt, please. Leave me alone." I told him.

"Am I right? Did he do that to you?" He asked motioning to my cast and then my face.

"I don't want you to get hurt. Please stop talking to me, stop looking at me, hell, stop thinking about me. Go on with your life, study hard and go to college. It'll be so much better without me ruining it." After I said what I needed to I left, him not bothering to follow me anymore.

I walked to my last class and sat through it, thinking only about what I should do. I walked out of the school and noticed a very familiar vehicle. Alec, why is he here. I looked in the parking lot and saw Michael, Alec, and Corbett all together. I ran over, I couldn't let anything happen to Michael.

"Leave him alone, he doesn't want you." Alec said.

"Guys, leave Michael alone." I said pushing Alec away from him.

"Did you just push me?" Alec asked.

"Please just leave him alone." I said. "Alec, I did what you said, I stayed away from him."

"Corbett said he saw you two go into the bathroom together, what did you do?" Alec said.

"Nothing, I used the bathroom and washed my hands." I lied. He shook his head and smiled.

"Get in the truck." Alec said. I looked up at him and then away, noticing Mr.Anderson coming our way no one noticed him coming until he was already beside us.

"I suggest you leave these boys alone, you are on school property." He told Alec. "Corbett, you go on, I shouldn't have to tell you to leave James alone as much as I do."I looked at Mr.Anderson and smirked.

Once again this man is getting me out of trouble. He made Alec get into his truck and Corbett into his. "Thank you Mr.Anderson."

"How do I always seem to find you in trouble?" He asked me.

"I guess I attract trouble." I told him looking down. I looked at Michael and smiled, they didn't hurt him yet.

"You two should get home, those boys are nothing but trouble." Me.Anderson told us. We both nodded and he left and went to his car. I started walking in the direction of my house.

"Wait up!" Michael yelled. I looked back but kept walking, he started running towards me. When he finally reached me he slowed down and walked beside me. "You can't be with that guy, he doesn't seem to be your type."

"And what is my type?" I asked him.

"I don't know, nicer guys." He said.

"Why can't you just drop it?" I asked him. There was a long silence before he turned and looked at me.

"Because.. I like you. A lot." He replied as we reached my house.

"Well.. stop liking me." I ran towards me house, not stopping until I was inside. My parents aren't home yet but my sister is. I don't think I have to worry about Michael getting hurt because I have this feeling that I would take the punch.. for both of us.

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