Chapter 25

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James' Point Of View

A whole month passed and it is currently the last week of school, and now I am actually going to school, most of my teachers have been nice to me. My body has healed up, I still hate it because of the noticeable scars on it but I'm getting to like it a little more. I am currently sitting in the cafeteria with Michael, eating a lunch pizza.

Most things have gotten kind of normal, Michael is really open and flirty, I thought I was the flirty one before now I know who that is, it wasn't until I brought up the fact that school is almost out and I am getting into the thought of forming a relationship. He still isn't out to his parents so he still tells me we should wait, he is scared of being alone, I would be to.

I told him he has me no matter what. He got accepted into the school from San Francisco. I told him about a lot of what happened between me and Alec, it was rare that I would open up about it because it makes me feel all kinds of different emotions. I told him that after high school, I'm moving up to San Francisco with him and he couldn't stop me I want a change and that's beyond perfect.

I know my dad hates the fact that I'm gay and my mom has told me she doesn't care as long as I'm safe. My dad told me that I am going to hell but he still loves me.

Me and my dad still have issues.

After the bell rang I threw my tray in the trash and walked to class.

After school I went to my truck where Michael and Kara are waiting, We put our bags in the back and got in. I could tell that my very strong like for Michael grows every day, every time I see him.

After taking Michael home me and my sister ride home and go into our rooms.

I still get nightmares and sometimes they are horrible but They grow weaker and weaker by the night. So many bad things has happened to me in this town and I can't wait to leave.

After that the week flew by. It was basically the same thing everyday.

We sat in the church and waited until after the service. His dad congratulated all of the seniors that come to this church and then closed the service, I told my parents to go on home and I stayed with Michael, he told me he wanted me to stay with him after church so I did.

"Dad." Michael started when everyone left. "Mom."

"Yes hun?" His mom asked.

"I would like to tell you guys something really important to me, I have a feeling that I know how you will act and if you do act the way I think I will not have a place to stay tonight." He paused looking at his parents. "I'm gay." He said, I could tell he is preparing for his dad to get angry but he didn't.

"Well.. I'm sorry you are this way, you know how your mother and I feel, we still love you." I could tell he was getting hopeful but then the bad part came. "But we can't have a gay living under our roof." It went exactly the way he didn't want it to. "Did you do this to him?" He asked looking at me.

"That isn't right." I told them. "He can't chose how he feels! He shouldn't be kicked out for it. Come on Michael." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the church. He had tears welling up in his eyes.

"We can pack up and leave right away if you want to." I told him. He didn't say a word so I hugged him. He hesitated but hugged back. I smiled. "We can find a nice apartment with the money I have. We wouldn't really have to worry about much.

He doesn't have to worry about his parents not paying for his school fees because he got a full scholarship. A full ride.

We left. I was already planning to leave really soon to go look for apartments and if he chose to stay with me I would be cool with it. I know I have a job because my boss knows a guy that works on cars and has his own car shop they told me I have a job because of how hard I work.

I kissed him on the lips. "Everything will be fine. We have each other." It seemed to ease his tears.  I opened the door to my truck so he could hop in, I drove him by his house and we packed up his clothes and few personal items he didn't want to go without. After that I packed all the stuff in my truck and we drove to my house. I told my parents that he is going to spend the night and I talked to them about leaving. My mom seemed to be worried about my safety and if I would work it and my dad got mad because it was out of the blue.

We talked for a few hours about what Is ant to do  and my mom helped me transfer all of my money from the sad event of my grandmother passing and all the money I saved up from my job. It ended up being almost 30k. I didn't know I could ever have that much money.

My mom didn't like it but there isn't much she can do about it, I'm out of school and I'm 18.

Me and Michael went up to my room and talked as I packed up my clothes and a few of my special personal items. I came across something I forgot I had. I hate it.

"Collar." Is the only word I said before breaking the necklace Alec gave me and throwing it in the trash.

After I had finished packing up a few things into trash bags and duffle bags I found myself snuggling up with Michael in my bed. He played with my hair and I noticed something.

"Hey, I want to ask you something." I said.

"Yes?" He asked. He seemed worried and sad, maybe about his parents.

"Would you like to be official?" I asked him.

He smiled a little. "I would love to be your boyfriend." He said turning to face me. I gave him a small kiss and then he just stared at me with a smile.

"What is it?" I asked him with a small chuckle.

"If it weren't for you, I don't think I could handle my parents on my own. Thank you." He told me.

"It's fine. I wanted to be there with you to help you, to tell you it's going to be okay." I smiled down at him. He was no longer playing with me hair.

"Have you thought about how we will get to San Francisco?" He asked me.

"Road Trip?" I asked.

"Okay, road trip."

The end

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