Chapter 14

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James' Point Of View

I stood pinned, him right up against my backside, my stomach being pushed in by the counter of the island. "Your stupid for thinking you could talk to him and I wouldn't know."

"I'm sorry, please my stomach hurts." I pleaded.

"I don't think it's enough." He said pulling away from me. I turned around and he pushed me back against it, this time my back hurt, especially where the lim was digging into my back.

He pulled out something from his pocket. A knife. "Please! Please. No don't do that please." I said, I was fully crying now. "Please."

I looked at him. He shook his head. "I don't think I want to." He put the knife up. "How about you just not talk to him, be a good boyfriend."

I didn't want to deny it he would probably hurt me. I didn't feel like getting hurt anymore tonight. "I won't talk to him anymore."

"Let's just hope you mean it." He smiled.

"I do." I told him. "I will tell him to sit somewhere else at lunch or I won't go to lunch."

Today is Friday. I don't have work tomorrow or school. Hopefully he didn't take that as a time to 'hangout' with me. "I don't want to stay here. Come to my house."

"It's kinda late I should get to bed." I told him.

"You're sleeping at my house tonight." He ordered. I don't want to go. I want to lock him out and go to sleep, I hate feeling defeated, and around him it's all I felt. I don't want to get hurt but I don't want to stay with him.

I grabbed some shorts and a shirt. He basically pulled me to his truck. He wasn't going to let me drive my own truck cause if I wanted to leave then I'd have to walk or get him to take me. He looked at me, his eyes clearly searching my body.

"Alec, do I have to go with you? I would much rather stay home, I'm tired." I asked him. He only shook his head.

"Are you stupid, when I tell you to do something, you do it." He told me. I looked down at the floor as he turned to leave, I followed him until we reached the door. I stopped right in front of the frame as he walked to his truck. He noticed I hadn't moved from my spot in front of the doorway and he was frustrated already.

"Come on." He said. I stood there. "Now." Once he noticed I wasn't moving he started to come towards me. My only instinct is to close the door so I do but he reaches the door and starts pushing it before I could lock it. He pushed it open and came in. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his truck, his hand gripping my arm tightly.

He pushed me in the truck and got in, driving off. We drove in silence, no radio, no talking, no nothing. We reached an old small house and he got out, grabbing me and pulling me along. When we got inside I walked to the bathroom. I could tell where the bathroom was because the door was opened and you could see the toilet. I closed the door and he hadn't walked to it and tried to open it. There wasn't a lock on the bathroom door.

I changed into my black shorts and green T-shirt. After that I walked out and noticed he was standing right beside the door. He dragged me into a room and pushed me on the bed that was in there,he locked it and walked towards me. "Alone where we can't be interrupted." He smiled.

He started to kiss me. His mouth traveling down to my neck. He stepped away and took his shirt off, leaving on the jumpsuits bottom part. "This shirt isn't convenient." He said as he grabbed it by the collar and ripped it down the middle. I liked that shirt.

After he had done what he wanted we lied down on his bed. He made me lay close to him as he put his hand threw my hair. I hated every second of this.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"That doesn't work on me anymore Alec." I told him, turning to where I wasn't touching him at all. He hadn't said anything. I got up and put my shorts on. "Can I go home now?" I asked him.

"No." He growled.

"I don't know when my parents will be home, if they come home tomorrow and I'm not here." I told him.

"They'll just think you went off to do something stupid, if you can't remember we've done this before." He smiled.

"But what about my truck?" I asked.

"Good point." He said. "You can just say you went off with a girl. She drove you and you had no need for your truck."

I just wanted to go home. "My parents will still raise hell." I told him,

"They'll do it anyways." He said right back. I got up from my spot beside him, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I just.. I want to go home." I told him.

"Do you ever stop thinking about that? You're such a little girl." He yelled. He was so mad, he got up and almost pushed me down. I pushed him back away from me.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at him as I walked out his bedroom. As I walked I heard him coming towards me, I felt him force me up against the wall. "Let me go." I cried. "Let me go." I said a little softer this time.

"You want to get hurt." He told me.

"I don't want to be with you, I don't want to be a scared little kid again." I told him.

We are currently in his living room, it's empty. He let go of me with a smile on his face.

"Fine, you wanna leave? You have to go through me unless I say you can leave." He looked at me, his eyes almost black. He was angry with me. I know I can't fight him but I Can try. I threw the first punch, he wasn't expecting me to actually hit him. "First one to stop fighting looses." He is an even better fighter then me, could probably take three people at once.

I am definitely going to lose. I threw a second punch at him and he blocked it with his arms. After I tried to punch him he pushed me against the wall and held my right arm behind my back in a position that hurt.

"Give up, I'll break your arm." He told me. In this position he could.

"No." I grunted as he tightened the hold a little making it hurt a little worse. I couldn't let him win even if it meant he'd break my arm, He just let go and pushed me to the floor. I tried to catch myself but it only resulted in a pain in my left wrist.

I turned to my back and looked at my wrist, it didn't look right. I felt so much pain but I didn't cry. I kept my wrist close to my stomach like it'd protect it. "Hey, let me drive you." He said acting like he was so sorry and wanted to help in the best way he could, it was crap.

"Give me your keys, I'll drive myself." I told him. It was turning numb, swelling, and bruising already. My wrist is fractured. I got in the truck and he gave me the keys and pushed me over, he got in the truck and took the keys back. He closed the door, turned on the truck, and we left.

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