Chapter 6

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James' Point Of View

After a horrible first block with a teacher that hates me and not knowing what to do, I am walking to one of my favorite classes, Science, at lest Mr.Anderson will help me understand what I need to.

I walked in and noticed Mr. Anderson sitting on his desk playing on his phone, I sat in the back where I always do and waited for him to start teaching. Once he had and finished he gave us an assignment, he doesn't give us homework he just makes us do what we need to during class.

I half understood what the paper said but what I didn't, I had to ask him, for help. I held my hand up and he walked over. We discussed what I didn't know and he helped on a few problems before leaving to help someone else.

The bell rang and now I had to go to another sucky class with a teacher that hates my guts. She doesn't like to talk to me and if I ask her something that confuses me she ignores me. I walked in and sat in the back.

I put my head down because I have stopped trying in her class. I just use it as time to catch up on sleep. If there is one, Lord knows I need it. Sometimes my dad likes to argue all night.

I didn't want school to end, even though it sucks, cause I have the day off and I don't have friends to hang out with. Michael told me he works today so I might just hangout there. If they don't kick me out for being there.

After the bell rang I was so thankful, it felt like we had been in here for way over an hour and thirty minutes. I got up as quickly as I could and walked out the classroom with my bag. I felt a hand on my arm and looked over to see a girl touching my arm.

"I never knew you had so much muscles." It was one of the school sluts. I'm sorry but she has slept with almost all the people in this school, and I don't like that.

I shrugged her hand off my arm and started walking a little faster. I kept walking until I saw Michael and then I stopped to talk to him. He was digging around In his locker. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back grabbing a book. "Just getting my books." He said and put the book in his bag and closed the locker.

I didn't want to ask him but I wanted to so I did. "Hey, do you want to sit with me at lunch?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah." I don't know why but that made me so happy.  We walked to my table and he put his stuff down, I sat down, he went to get something nasty to eat.

As I waited I saw Corbett walking over. "Watch, after our football game you're getting it, what do I have to lose if The football season is over. Just wait." He left and turned to leave.

"Hey, I'm ready! Just don't be a little girl next time and bring five other people to fight your battle." I told him. He left, obviously angry with me calling him a little girl.

I looked up at Michael as he put his plate down beside me. I smiled at Corbett as he glared at me from his table full of jocks. I waved at him and he turned away.

"Who are you waving at?" Michael asked, looking around confused. I shook my head.

"No one." I told him.

I played on my phone and he did the same as he ate. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" He asked me.

I looked up at him. "Yeah, a few, they weren't my type. I like guys." I told him.

"Yeah, I think I knew that one." He laughed. "I was just asking about before you knew."

"You think it's funny?" I asked.

"No, but when you were drunk that night, I found you and you hit on me a few times." He smiled.

"Dang.." I said. I acted like I was checking him out. "Dang!" I said.

"Does your parents know?" He asked me.

"Yeah? No?" I said, my face a little serious. "I mean I don't no, they caught me with a guy once but.. we pulled away before.. my dad would probably kick me out." I told him.

"Oh." He said and looked back to his phone. He seemed a little sad but covered it up with a smile. It felt like a short time after, the bell rang. We got up and Walked to our classes.

I was stopped by Miss Lee. She smiled at me and brought me to the side of the classroom near her computer.

"Thank you for not starting the fight in my classroom. You are an awesome kid and I don't know why people don't like you, you may cause a little ruckus here and there but you really are a sweet boy." She told me.

"Thank you Miss Lee." I smiled at her. "Now go sit down, We are going to be painting today again, I really liked your painting from yesterday. Corbett is going to be using crayons." I nodded and sat down in my seat.

After a while I found myself painting a sunset by the ocean, it wasn't the best but it also wasn't the worst in my class. There were a few people in the distance the painting made me smile, it wasn't finished but it certainly looked good. I tried my best to get it finished before school let out, and I did. Right before the bell ended.

I saw Michael and my sister sitting on the table gate and I smiled, they need a ride home. "What do you not ride the bus anymore?" I asked her. "I know Michael has to go to work and that is probably what he is going to ask me but did you just stop riding the bus?"

"Maybe I don't want to deal with more stupid people than I have to. And whose clothes are you wearing?" She said and threw her bag in the back before hopping in the middle.

"I'll take you." I told him ignoring my sisters question, we both put our book bags in the back and got in.

I took my sister home then I took him to the diner. He got out and slid his shirt off, putting on his uniform. He is tan and doesn't have much muscle but still.. he is hot. I got out and followed him inside, sitting down at a table.

He looked at me confused. "I'm just gonna order some food and hang out a little." I smiled.

"What's do you want?" He asked me.

"A burger, extra onions and pickles, fries, and a milkshake." I told him. "Thanks."

He left and started working, it wasn't long before I got my food. I ate slowly, taking my time. Once I had gotten done, I got a call from my boss asking if I could come in because the guy that works today was late, so I quickly finished eating, and payed, leaving a 50 dollar tip for my hot waiter.

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