Chapter 5

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James' Point Of View

I had a late night last night, like usual, I didn't want to go home so I sat around and just looked at the stars until I fell asleep on my tailgate. I woke up around four o'clock in the morning. I had to drive home and get a shower before I go to school.

When I got home I ran up the stairs but as soon as I stopped at the top of the stairs my dad came out his room. "Why didn't you come home last night?" He asked me, I smiled, "Were you with a girl?"

"No, I just fell asleep. It's not a big deal." I said he was standing in front of me now he wouldn't let me pass.

"I called your boss, he said he let you off early because y'all got finished with the car." He told me.

"Dad I have to get a shower, and I'm kinda hungry, I need to go take a shower, I have oil on my hands and a little on my face. Please." I told him.

"No, you are going to listen. You need to change and-" he said but I cut him off.

"And be like you? Or like the Paster? I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry you don't have a son that listens to every work you say, that loves to go to church, that has good grades." I paused, "I'm sorry you don't have the son you want." I said pushing my way past him.

"You don't push past me when I'm trying to talk to you." He said and punched the wall, he cracked the wall.

"I know where I got my issues from." I smiled and went in my room to get my clothes. He followed me. "Why did god give me such a horrible child?"

"I hate you." I said grabbing a few pears of clothes. I went outside, I didn't worry about getting a shower, all I did was leave and get in my truck.

I walked into a gas station and grabbed a toothbrush and some toothpaste. I to the counter with my bag of clothes and payed for the toothbrush and toothpaste. I walked into the bathroom and changed realizing I grabbed some red Nike shorts and a green T-shirt. With the grinch on it.

Dang I'm so miss matched. I had some black vans in my truck. This ain't going to work. I got the idea to call the only person I really know.. Michael.

He answered and I could tell I had woken him up. "Hey, I'm sorry I woke you up but.. I need to ask you a favor." I said threw the phone.

"Yeah?" He asked me I'm his sleepy voice.. not gonna lie.. it was kinda cute and hot at the same time.

"I need you to bring me some clothes, I'll take you to school." I told him.

"My dad told me last night he was gonna take me to school today because He has to leave around that time." He said.

"Could you bring me some clothes to school." I asked him again.

"Yeah." He said.

"Meet me in the bathroom at the front of the school." I told him and hung up.

I walked out with my work clothes and items I just bought and grabbed a few snacks.. maybe not a few but like.. a lot. I hadn't eaten since the beef jerky stick my boss got me yesterday.

I got 4 beef jerky sticks, two bags of chips, 3 drinks, two honey buns, hot buffalo pretzels, some white powdered donuts, and a piece pepperoni pizza.

Yeah I may be hungry but I may not eat it all. I will probably give a honeybun and a Pepsi to Michael.

Once I payed for the food I left and ate the pizza in my car.

I put all the stuff in my passenger seat. After I ate I drove to the schools parking lot. I grabbed him a slim Jim, a honey bun, and a Pepsi and my book bag and ran inside trying to make it where no one saw me. As soon as I opened the door I ran into the mens bathroom and into the big stall.

After a few minutes my phone buzzed.

Michael: I'm here, are you in the bathroom already?

Me: Yeah, I'm in the big stall.

I heard footsteps and then a knock on the last stall, I opened it and saw him with a smile. I smiled back and he gave me a hug which I returned. "You can use my deodorant to. What happened?"

"I had a fight with my dad, I picked up random clothes, they just decided to not match so I called you." I told him as I put

Michael's Point Of View.

I smiled at him as I handed him my bag and tried to walk out. "It's fine you can stay in here." He told me, already taking off his pants, I looked away from him as he put on my black nike sweatpants and my plain white T-shirt.

"The sweatpants are a size to big on me and I couldn't find a slightly bigger shirt." I told him.  "You are kind of more muscly and taller then I am."

"Thanks anyway." He smiled. Taking off the shirt. The pants seemed to fit him well. He currently didn't have a shirt on and I could see his abs.. he had abs.. and muscles, and.. he is hot.

No I shouldn't be thinking that.. I like girls.. I like girls, girls. I looked away from him.

"How do I look?" He asked when he had the white T-shirt on. His muscles shown threw the shirt because it was a smaller then what he normally wore.

James' Point Of View

He was checking out.. I smiled. "Do you like what you see?"

"What?" He asked flustered.

"Thanks." I replied. I grabbed my bag and walked a little closer to him. "Here." I gave him the snacks and he put them in his bag.

"Do you wanna walk to the cafeteria because we are a little early and I don't think that is a good breakfast." I ruffled my hair and made it look messy because I like it that way.

We sat alone at the back and he ate some kind of little bagel pizza thingy. "Eat that, I'm fine with what I've eaten for breakfast. That looks disgusting."

Someone came up behind him and flicked him in the back of the head. I looked up to see Corbett. "Leave him alone, I don't have anything to lose but you can lose your season, your last season. Leave him alone." I told him.

"Thanks." Michael smiled.

"No problem, he is a jerk anyway, and a freakin scaredy cat, he brought 5 guys to our fight, made it 6 against 1. He isn't anything without his football buddy's." I smiled at him.

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