Chapter 24

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James' Point Of View.

"Knock Knock!" I heard my mom say as she knocked on the door. "Michael is here."

Surprisingly my parents haven't treated me any different after they found out I'm gay, but I don't think they payed much attention to that part. They are more worried about my not talking, not sleeping much, and eating small amounts of food in a day.

I don't know why but I haven't felt in the mood for anything. I opened the bathroom door and walked passed my mom and Michael, he followed me into my room, my mom just looked at me. "I love you hun." I turned and smiled. I wasn't ready to talk to her.

I sat on my bed and lied down. "If you don't mind me asking, you might not even answer but.." he paused. "I heard that you talk to Mr.Anderson, why is that?"

"I.." I looked down at both of my wrists. "I.. He has always been nice to me, helped me out, always."

"You talked! More than just a few words!" He almost jumped up and down with excitement. "Now! We need to get you out the house!" I want to go outside.. not what he is thinking. Maybe in the yard for a few minutes.

My cast was taken off yesterday, it isn't sore. My doctor told me to be easy on it. I don't think he could have a problem with me screwing my hand up. I barely do half the stuff I used to.

"I think me, you, and Kara should go out to eat, what about burgers at the cafe?" Michael asked, I shrugged. "Come on! What happened to your talking!" I shrugged. "Do you wanna go?"

"Sure." I said.

He looked at my appearance, "Maybe you should change!" He said. I looked down at my sweatpants and sweatshirt.

He walked out and I made sure the sheet was covering up where no one could see my body. I picked out one of my very many pears of black ripped skinny jeans and a black long sleeved T-shirt with a white T-shirt on top.

I took my clothes off and slipped my jeans on. "Sorry, James! I forgot my phone!" Michael said walking in. I tried to hide my chest and turn my back as best as I could to where he could see me. "Oh.. no." He said, he seemed shocked. "They look horrible! They should be very faded, like a lot by now. They look almost brand new!" He was almost angry.

I slid my black shirt on and then the white one. "Shut up, don't say a thing!" I said harshly. I sat down and slipped my socks and shoes on. He walked out. I looked in my sisters room because the door is open and she wasn't in there.

I walked down the stairs and looked at everyone sitting in the living room. My mom and dad were talking to Michael and Kara is standing and waiting. I looked down at the floor. "Alright, if you guys are ready, we can go." Michael smiled, he was acting all happy. I know what him and my parents were talking about.

"Here are the keys, you can take His truck, he might like it." My mom smiled at Michael.

I took the keys from Michael and walked outside, them following behind me. I turned on my truck, they got in, and we drove quietly. When we finally reached the diner and went inside Kara went straight for the seat that me and Alec sat in. I quickly walked to the other side of the cafe and sat at an booth, my sister noticed and came my way, Michael following.

"You've never acted like this, it makes me.. sad and scared." My sister said sadly.

"I'm sorry." I told her looking down, that makes me feel worse. "I.."

"It's fine, I'm just glad that you are safe." She masked her sadness with a smile. That is all to familiar to me, I've done it way to many times. Last time he left he left because he had to and he didn't make a huge fuss. This time he carved on me and tried to kill me because I care about someone other then him. The A was made a long time ago, a guy gave me a compliment at a mall in one of the towns near ours so he felt he had to make it where no one wanted me, like this time.

I let him order what I normally do and my sister just got a chocolate cake because she went to her friends house for a few hours and ate food there. When the food got here, I didn't really eat much, maybe five bites of my burger and two French fries. When they had finished eating, Michael payed and we left. I wanted to drive home but he felt That I need to stay out a little longer. We stopped by an old park that all three of us played at when we were little.

I couldn't help but smile at the memories. There weren't many bad ones. I sat on the swing but didn't actually swing. We each sat on a swing and they talked.

"Do you have a crush?" Kara asked Michael. He turned to me and smiled.

"He knows who he is." He said. He was definitely talking about me the way smiled.

"Your gay to?" She asked shocked. "Wow!"

"Your brother knows I like him." Michael said scrunching his nose up and closing his eyes making a face at me. I guess he is trying to make me laugh.

"James! Do you have a crush on Michael?" My sister asked me, I felt my cheeks turn red as I thought about Michael.

I could tell both of them were looking at me.

"I.. can't be in any relationship right now." I said looking down at the sand as I made circles and different kinds of shapes in it.

"My dad doesn't know I'm gay and I'm pretty sure they would hate me if he did, my dad is a freakin homophobic priest." Michael's said and I nodded, agreeing with his statement.

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