Chapter 7

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James' Point Of View

After a long shift that I wasn't even supposed to work, I got a call from Michael asking if I could pick him up so I'm on my way to pick him up and take him home.

When I arrived he was the only one in the parking lot, everyone had went home. "My dad is working late, he said he'd pick me up but called when everyone had left and told me he couldn't, I'm so sorry, I treat you like a ch-"

"Stop. I don't mind taking you to work and picking you up, are we friends?" I cut him off.

"Yeah." He told me.

"That is what friends are for." I told him.

"Do friends leave their friends 50 dollar tips to?" He asked, I didn't say anything but only started the car up. He hopped in and I drove him home. There was barely anyone on the roads this late, except for people going home.

When we reached his house he got out. "Michael?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said looking back at me.

I wanted to tell him that I think he is hot but.. he is straight. "Never mind." I said and drove off.

I went home and sat in the driveway for a few minutes. I didn't want to go inside, all me and dad do is fight and my mom she doesn't really ever talk to me.

I can't just go in my room and lock it because I don't have a door. They took it off when.. I don't want to think about it.

I looked around, my dad's car was there but my moms isn't. Great, mom isn't home.

I walked inside and saw my dad sitting on the couch with a beer. Great, drunk dad is worse dad. "Where is mom?" I asked.

"Your sister and her went to the hospital, your aunts water broke." He told me. My moms sister is fifteen years younger than her and is having her first child, a little boy named Jamie.  My mom is 37 and she is 22.

I nodded and tried to go upstairs. "I'm not done with you boy, you need to come sit down on this couch." I proceeded to walk upstairs and ignore my dad. "Boy, come down here right now!" He yelled. I went downstairs and looked at him.

"All we do is fight." I told. "Don't you ever get tired of it? I get off work and I don't even want to come home, I'd rather sleep on the cold bed of my truck then come home to my bed because I don't want to fight with you, I hate that at times it gets physical, yeah it was a few weeks ago but it's sad that it even happened. I hate my life, dad, I hate myself." I had a few tears fall from my eyes.

I went up the stairs. He'll forget it in when he wakes up, it might give me a little quiet tonight. I lied down On my soft bed and smiled. "So soft."

I closed my eyes and instantly went to sleep.

A few boring days passed, doing the same thing. Nothing really happened, except for a few arguments with my dad.

Sunday Church.. great. The only good thing about church is seeing Michael. Our church hates gays.

I looked down at the floor as the preacher preached. I didn't care to much for it. "Hey, I need to use the rest room." I lied as I got up and snuck away, a few people looking at me. I walked into the bathroom and looked at my face. It is mostly healed up from the guys. 

My mom did my hair and made it look fancy because she "doesn't want her son to look thrown away" but I have been leaving my hair the way it was for a long time. I don't know why today was so important.

I fixed the irritating black tie a little and then the door opened. "Hey." Michael smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"I'm sorry you have to hear my dad preach about that a lot. I know your in that category." He told me, standing beside me and we locked eyes threw the mirror. I nodded.

"It's fine, you don't pick what he talks about." I told him. "I hear it at home to, it's not just church. When a gay couple kisses on a tv show my mom and dad say "ewww" or just stop watching the show altogether.

I hate it but this is the town I live in, but I'm leaving when high school is over. I have a savings account that I put half my check in every time I get a check to save up to help me.

I couldn't help but  laugh.

"They are so wrong." I told him. "To hate people for how they feel, who they love."

"I- I don't believe in what they do.. I.. I think.." he said looking down to the floor. "I think I'm..." I think I know what he is trying to say but I wanted to hear him say it. "I-I'm gay." He admitted. He looked like he needed a hug.

I smiled at him and hugged him. It didn't take long before he hugged me back.

"I.. I think I like you." He said, looking up at me when we pulled away from our hugs.

"I think I like you to." I smiled.. "Can I um." I asked looking at his lips.

"I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. I just.. I just came to terms." He said and I nodded. "We need to go before they think we left." He told me. I nodded and we both walked back into the church room and sat down with our parent(s).

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