Chapter 1: Introductions

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Taeyong looked down at his pointed feet in nervousness. His father was staring him down,  twirling his pen dangerously in his fingers, his domineering aura calling for quiet in the room. The men behind Taeyong stood rigid, ready for the boy to attempt another escape. Taeyong wasn't stupid though, it'd have to be another couple of weeks before he could try that again. He had been caught in another town for the nth time and his father had had enough of it.

Suddenly, the pen in his fathers hand snapped and Taeyong's downcast eyes shot up. He felt his palms sweat, he didn't want to receive yet another punishment. As his father stood and made his way over to him he braced himself and shrunk, shutting his eyes.

"I predicted this would happen." His father, Mr Lee, sighed. His voice was dangerously low but calm, composed, and restrained like it always was. Taeyong opened his eyes slowly when he realised his body was fortunately still intact.

"I prepared for it well."

Taeyong met his father's eyes, his expression turning into a mix of apprehension and confusion. What preparations had he made? He was no longer scared but intrigued, especially when his father placed a large, inviting hand on his shoulder. His father never touched him, his hands were cold and unfamiliar.

Mr Lee squeezed his shoulder before he spoke up again. "Enter Jaehyun."

The door to his father's study opened and all eyes turned to see a large man walk in. He wore a fitted black suit and tie and his strides towards them felt powerful. The whole time the man kept his eyes trained on Taeyong and his father, ignoring the other men in black in the room. Jaehyun stopped when he reached them and bowed so straightly that Taeyong wondered if it hurt.

"Taeyong, this is your new bodyguard, Jaehyun," Mr Lee pointed out with the casual wave of a hand. On his lips played a mocking smirk finally having bested his disobedient son.

Taeyong couldn't hold in his shock as the taller man stared him down. He met the man's dark eyes for a moment before looking away with a gulp. They made him shiver with how emotionless they were.

"I don't want a bodyguard!" he loudly protested, turning back to his father. His voice was loud and sudden but nobody in the room flinched, they had been expecting this. His father's smile was small but sickeningly smug.

"Yes, but you need a bodyguard son. To keep you safe," his father answered cooly, walking back to his desk. Taeyong scoffed, they both knew that wasn't the reason he had gotten a bodyguard. It was Taeyong's fault and he knew that all too well. Taeyong followed, hot on his father's heels.

"You can't give just dump him with me, I don't need one! I don't-" Taeyong made the mistake of grabbing on to his father's suit jacket and was suddenly pushed back with force. He felt the wind being taken out of him as he stumbled back, being swiftly caught by Jaehyun's arms. He knew he should've known better than to touch his father, but the desperation had gotten the better of him.

When he realised who held him, he sprang up, breathing erratic. Jaehyun placed his arms behind his back once again as Taeyong held unto his chest. He felt his lungs constrict and patted his back pockets for his inhaler, his father looking at him with an exasperated grimace.

"You can barely even breathe alone, petulant child."

But Taeyong wasn't hearing him. The panic of it all was making it harder for him to breathe and his inhaler was not with him like it usually was. He began to jog to the door before turning into full blown sprint to his room. If he had another asthma attack it would just prove his father's stupid point further.

When he arrived in his messy room he rapidly went through his drawers, rummaging and scattering as he searched. When he finally found one of his inhalers underneath the rubble, he slumped beside his bed, pumping it in. He didn't notice the stoic body at the door until he calmly looked around. When he did though, he jumped.

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