22: Fades To Black

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The ball continued well into the night, laughter, music and the buzz of alcohol high in the air. People were finally beginning to let loose and probably say things they would've never thought twice about if they were sober. Taeyong stayed in the corner, Johnny and Doyoung somewhere out of sight, so he was forced to drink alone. His eyes skimmed over the crowd, he was interested to see how all the gossip would unfold in the morning.

"Taeyong!" he heard his father call from the middle of the room and whipped his head in his direction. He was with some an old couple... and a girl? Taeyong grimaced, he could see where this was going already.

"Yes, father?" Taeyong put on his best smile when he reached them and bowed the full ninety degrees. He was sure he heard some bones crack but pulled up with a dazzling smile nonetheless.

"This is Mr and Mrs Winton," Mr Lee gestured to them vaguely with his champagne-held hand. "This is their daughter, Rosé."

Of course his intuition was right. Taeyong turned to her with a smile. She was tall, pretty, a head of dark hair with an overall pretty friendly vibe. He didn't know how he'd break it to her. His father knew he had a boyfriend but still set him up like this, and the thought irked him to no end. He clenched one of his hands and looked away.

His father turned to him as if he was fixing Taeyong's bowtie and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Behave," his father hissed, a hand placed firmly on Taeyong's chest. "They're helping me with the presidential seat."

Taeyong resisted the urge to roll his back into his head to never be seen again but instead fake thanked him politely. He had to remind himself he was doing this for Jaehyun. The more he behaved, the more freedom he would get, well he hoped that was how it worked anyways. But the word 'seat' rang awfully familiar and he racked his brain trying to think of where he heard it before.

"Can the both of you fetch us some desserts?" The nasally voice that interrupted his thinking belonged to Mrs Winton who was staring down at him with a smile so sweet it made him feel sick.

Taeyong's lips tugged upwards politely and he bowed again before Rosé nodded in the direction of the snack table and he followed after her. He heard the faint call of a 'Don't come back so soon' and this time let the urge to roll his eyes take over.

"Sooo..." he began, looking at the neatly laid out snacks in front of them. Eclaires, macaroons, soft, sweet breads. Rosé picked up a macaroon and lazily leaned back on the table. Taeyong followed suit.

"I'm gay."

Taeyong spluttered, macaroon bits flying out of his mouth and Rosé deadpanned at him, her expression flat. "Is that a problem?"

Taeyong had to choke out his reply. "No, not at all!" His voice had came out so high pitched and eager that it was embarassing. He coughed and swallowed the remaining sweets in his mouth. "I'm gay too." He rubbed his red neck sheepishly. "I have a boyfriend actually."

Rosé's eyes lit up as if she was a kid in a candy store and latched onto his hands with her own eagerly. "Really?"

Taeyong nodded at her, shifting from foot to foot awkwardly. Rosé laughed and began to ramble on about how her parents were always trying to set her up with somebody even though they knew she was gay. "Homophobic assholes," she added in, and Taeyong laughed at sidetracking, feeling himself relaxing. Rosé reminded him of himself in a way, but a whole lot brighter and a lot more friendly. They flowed into conversation as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She had that effect, he noted.

"So-" she continued but Taeyong suddenly stepped back. He could see Doyoung coming at him in full speed from behind her, his expression was a mix of hurt, disappointment, and most of all anger.

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