24: Save Me

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Taeyong didn't know how long had passed. A few minutes, a few hours, a day maybe? All he knew was that if he stayed in that room any longer he'd physically run mad. There was no people, no daylight, nothing to look at, radio silence other than the light bulb that flickered occasionally as if it sensed him getting too bored.

"Thanks," he muttered at the bulb as it flickered for the nth time. He knew then and there that he had officially lost it.

Worst of all, Taeyong needed to pee badly. He was hungry and he felt like his bladder would burst if he didn't go in the next thirty seconds. Taeyong whined and shifted in his seat.

"Hello?" He groaned, his mouth parched from from dehydration. Even if he they didn't allow him to pee, he wanted to at least stretch out his body. His muscles felt stiff and the rope around his arms had feet had made him lose circulation long ago, his hands and feet were now numb and tingly.

"Hello?" he called out to the door again feebly, trying to muster up as much energy as possible.

He sensed some movement outside the door and the door opened to reveal one of Mr Park's guards. He was a completely different man from the two men that were with Mr Park the last time. Taeyong's mind began to wonder just how many guards were surrounding him. The situation was beginning to feel more hopeless by the second. This new man seemed malleable enough to do his bidding at least.

Taeyong put on his weakest act - which wasn't much of an act considering he felt like he'd faint at any moment - and coughed sickly.
The man's hard expression softened and Taeyong knew he lucked out.

"Please let me out, I need to use the toilet. If I'm going to die, don't let it be in my own piss." He felt like laughing at his own words at just how ridiculous and absolutely humiliating it really was but he bit down on his lip harshly with a groan. "Please."

The man examined Taeyong from head to toe, assessing how dangerous the boy was and Taeyong doubled over, coughing and spluttering to aid his act.

Finally, the man sighed and took hesitant steps towards Taeyong, his mind seemingly made up as if this one sole act was enough for him to receive penance from God. Taeyong stilled, holding his breath as the man went to his knees to untie the ropes. Taeyong contemplated on kicking him in the face for a moment before deciding against it. Too soon maybe.

"Stay there," the man told him in a stern, gruff voice. He sounded like his diet had consisted of cheap cigarettes for the majority of his life and Taeyong could smell the burnt smoke on his suit. He switched to breathing through his mouth steadily instead.

The man went behind him and untied the rope around his hands and Taeyong slumped into his seat with a contented sigh. He twirled his wrists and feet, making cracking noises as they unhinged. If he had the energy, he would've jumped for joy as he finally felt the blood flow reach his hands and feet.

Taeyong stood up wobbly and the man caught his arm as his knees gave out. He steadied himself on the chair and stood for a few moments, the rapid blood rush from his head to his feet making him enter a dizzy spell. He put a hand to his head and exhaled quietly. The man's arm was still on him and his had to grit his teeth to not scream at him to not touch him. His throat was too raw for that anyways, but his mind was almost too eager.

"The toilet-" Taeyong said with the wave of a hand, hating how weak his voice came out. The man nodded, his eyes wide, the realisation of what he'd done sinking in but Taeyong didn't want to give him time to think it through. "The toilet, please."

The man snapped out of it and led Taeyong towards the door slowly. With every step he took, he felt ounces of his energy return. The guard opened the door, hand still firmly wrapped around Taeyong's arm, and put his head out, looking left and right. Taeyong grimaced, if he saw any other guards he might have to go back to that darned, back breaking wooden chair again. Thankfully, there was nobody close enough for the guard to think twice.

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