13: It's Raining

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Everything were going good except for one dreaded thing. Exam season. This was only Taeyong's second year in college but his previous exams seasons were the worst. He hated every minute and second of him staring blankly at his books, trying to absorb random information. But he needed this, he hadn't gotten any credit since he missed his presentation with Doyoung so he needed to make up for it in his written work.

Exam season had affected all of them, just not Taeyong. It was in the air and everywhere, everyone in their university felt that low, dreaded, hanging feeling. The bitchy ones got bitchier, the nicer ones got meaner and the few relaxed ones, well, stayed relaxed, there wasn't anything money couldn't buy. Including the answers to this years exam papers.

Taeyong shuffled around the campus' library, looking for more textbooks to cram. Like most places on campus, Jaehyun had to wait outside much to his dislike. Taeyong assured him that he'd be as quick as possible so they could go home and he'd study.

He was planning to ask Jaehyun to tutor him again, maybe this time they'd share a real kiss. Taeyong knew he was in way over his head but he still couldn't help but dream.

He sighed in content, reaching for a textbook Johnny had recommended. Unfortunately for him it was placed on the top shelf and Taeyong wasn't exactly very tall. He strained his legs, going on his tippy toes to reach it. He saw a large hand grab it for him and he stepped back, tripping into the person.


That was most definitely a stretch, Taeyong heard a scoff before he was pushed off the other person. He whipped his head around and deadpanned. Of course it wasn't his knight in shining armour, he wasn't in a movie after all.

"Oh, it's just you," Taeyong's said flatly.

Taeyong watched as Doyoung rubbed off where Taeyong had fell on him with a grimace. Doyoung tsked and held out the book, waving it about impatiently.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyong asked grabbing it from him irritably. He knew it wasn't Jaehyun but all the romcoms he had been binging told him he should've fell and landed on his crush. Doyoung wasn't exactly his ideal fantasy.

"What am I doing in a library?" Doyoung raised a brow and Taeyong almost face palmed from how stupid his question actually was. "No thank you? Not even just a little one?"

Taeyong gritted his teeth and forced a smile.
"Thank you," he grumbled.

Doyoung grinned at his triumph over his arch-nemesis and Taeyong clicked his tongue. He was tired of this childish conversation. He side-stepped Doyoung and walked over to the electronic checkout. When Doyoung opened his eyes, he realised Taeyong was gone and followed after him quickly.

"Okay, now why are you here? You're clearly following me," Taeyong said impassively, scanning the textbook for borrow.

Doyoung bit down on his lips, all sense of cocky confidence dissipating. Taeyong watched him for a moment, tapping a foot before he got bored and mad his leave to the entrance. Doyoung was still behind him, one foot after him but his body stoic in hesitation. Taeyong spotted Jaehyun at the entrance and tried to keep down a boyish smile, his body buzzing.

"No, wait," Doyoung grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Jaehyun's eyes narrowed from where he stood, his body was itching to enter, school rules be damned.

Taeyong himself was annoyed, Jaehyun was so close but so far. He just wanted Doyoung to get it over and done with.

"What the hell do you want?" Taeyong flipped, his voice coming out a bit harsher than he intended. It wasn't his fault though, Jaehyun was waiting for him.

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