9: Day Out

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Life felt a lot different now that they were friends. There were no more awkward silences, tense moments or stiff bodies. Now everything felt much more relaxed. They even talked. Well, sometimes. It was mostly Taeyong trying to drag conversation out of the man but Jaehyun would usually respond with a nod and a head smile, he was a man of very few words.

Taeyong could see that Jaehyun was making an effort though, it was obvious from their training sessions. At a recent session Jaehyun had even put on music. It was quite electronic and upbeat.

"Wow, I didn't peg you to like this type of music," Taeyong said with genuine surprise.

"Yeah, well.. I just chose what I thought you'd like," Jaehyun answered him abashedly, his voice climbing an octave higher. Taeyong felt his heart flutter. Jaehyun had made a special playlist just for him.

Taeyong tried not to let his small, kind actions get to his head though. He knew it was all probably just part of Jaehyun's work. But still, it felt nice to be friendly with someone other than Johnny and even sometimes Doyoung, if he could call it that.

Coincidentally thinking of Doyoung, Taeyong felt his phone buzz in his back pocket. He opened a text from the older where Doyoung was asking him about materials for their presentation. Doyoung was always nagging and nagging, and Taeyong wanted to tell him to piss off as nicely as he possible could but before he could get a reply back, the door to his room opened and he looked over, startled.

"You have a bad habit of not knocking," Taeyong pointed out with a faked frown.
"What if I was changing?"

Or doing something else.

Jaehyun's ecstatic smile turned to a look of fluster as his ears turned red. He scratched the back of his head and coughed dryly. He hadn't thought of of that.

"I'm only joking," Taeyong chuckled and inched over to the edge of his bed. Jaehyun was always so serious when it came to jokes, he wanted the man to lighten up and live a little. He swung his legs on the edge, the soles of his feet barely brushing the ground, as he waited for Jaehyun to speak up.

Jaehyun's mouth opened but nothing came out. "Aren't you here for a reason?" Taeyong asked, placing his hands beside him and leaning back on the sheets.

"Yes, of course," the man answered at last. He felt himself getting shy but sucked it up. He had to remind himself who he was sometimes. Jung Jaehyun wasn't a man who got nervous, he didn't want to seem spineless.

"Are you nervous?" Taeyong leaned forward with a sly smile. Jaehyun exhaled. Perhaps he was spineless. Something about Taeyong made him weak in the knees.

"No," he insisted dryly causing Taeyong to laugh. He liked when Jaehyun was himself even if he was a little mean.

"We're going for a day out," Jaehyun said resolutely, placing his hands behind his back. He then began to walk around the room with a small smile, waiting for the boy's reaction.

All laughter had halted from Taeyong as his jaw dropped. He promptly pulled it back up and squealed, jumping from his bed and almost sprinting over to Jaehyun. He wrapped his arms around the man's back, jumping up on down. Jaehyun couldn't help the grin that surfaced.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Taeyong repeated innumerably, squeezing the man's broad waist. His fingers were barely touching but he didn't care, ever since he'd gotten Jaehyun as a bodyguard he was never allowed anywhere out of town. He was stuck with his house, the mall and university and at all of which he was being watched by a hawk, it was driving him insane. He knew it was his fault for running away so many times but who could blame him?

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