29: Break Ups, Make Ups; In The End, It's Always You

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They didn't talk about their kiss - mostly due to Taeyong vehemently changing the topic whenever something with the slightest association with the word relationship came up - but Jaehyun picked him up from school everyday he had classes, and when he didn't have classes, he was stuck wishing he did. This was completely fine, he reasoned, what was so wrong with being friends with your ex anyways?

"Everything," Johnny and Ten told him at their Saturday game night where they prodded until Taeyong spilled the beans. Doyoung opted to stay out of the conversation, he'd been out of their game of monopoly since the beginning anyway.

"Did you sleep with him yet?" Ten narrowed his eyes, moving a piece.

"No!" Taeyong blurted out quickly, a bit too quickly to seem normal, but it was the truth. All they did that night was kiss, and no matter how much Taeyong insisted Jaehyun take the bed, the man argued that the floor would be more comfortable - and, of course, leave space for Taeyong - and he was gone by the time Taeyong had to wake up for his morning classes.

It left a strange, empty feeling in him not waking up to Jaehyun, but that was wonderfully filled when Jaehyun arrived with his car to pick him up before work. So no, Taeyong did not sleep with him.

"I really didn't." He cleared his throat, making Ten raise a skeptical brow and Johnny laugh. "But he's been picking me up and stuff," he continued hesitantly. "And we've been talking a lot... it kinda feels like how it used to-"

"But without all the touching?" Doyoung raised a brow, and Taeyong looked over at him with a frown. "Or do you want to touch him?"

Taeyong covered his face with his hands, burying his blush. Sometimes Doyoung was a bit too blunt for his liking. "I don't know."

He did know.

"But he gives me compliments and stuff, and he even said he liked my hair," Taeyong's fingers unconsciously found their way to his dark purple strands with a smile. He purposely left out Jaehyun multiple confessions of love.

"He gives me compliments and stuff," Ten mimicked in a high pitched voice and exaggerated hands. "Look at how dreamily you said it. Babe, tell him he's whipped."

Johnny deadpanned. "You're whipped."

"Shut up!" Taeyong yelled, but there was no real malice behind his words. Maybe he was whipped. The only time Jaehyun wasn't on his mind was when he was asleep or during class, and even during his lectures, there was no real guarantee. Taeyong coughed with a blush. Maybe, just maybe. "But I don't know if I've fully forgiven him yet."

"I wouldn't if I were you." Doyoung looked up from his phone pointedly.

It's funny how time can change things, Taeyong thought fleetingly, they went from being self proclaimed enemies to being close, maybe even best friends, in the span of two years. Out of their little circle, and although he's known Johnny the longest, Doyoung was by far the most overprotective.

The happy mood in the room dampened, and Taeyong's smile fell. It was childish for him to be so optimistic about it, but he couldn't help but hope.

He was beginning to come to terms with the fact that he still had a lot of unresolved emotions towards Jaehyun, emotions that he had been trying to push back and deny, but with every look and beatifully dimpled smile Jaehyun gave him, he couldn't help but let those emotions come to light. They made him warm and fuzzy and happy, and who was he to deny himself happiness?

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