19: Your Actions Have Consequences

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Taeyong had woken up with a feeling of warmth spread throughout his body and tingling into his toes. His head was rested on something hard... and sculpted from what his hands could feel.

He opened his eyes lazily, noticing what he was sleeping on wasn't his bed. As his eyes met with Jaehyun's bare, broad chest, he remembered why exactly he wasn't on his bed and felt his face warm.

Oh right.

He was embarrassed, he could feel the side of his mouth a little wet, he had drooled. He carefully lifted his hand flung around the man's wide waist and put it on his chest to lift himself up. He felt a hand pull him back and his head landed back on the hard surface abruptly.

"You're awake.." Taeyong was even more embarrassed now, that meant Jaehyun had felt him drooling on him the whole time.

Jaehyun only hummed in response and Taeyong could feel the vibrations of his chest travel through his ear. They stayed in a warm silence and Jaehyun brought his fingers to Taeyong's arm, walking them up on and down on his exposed arm. It was then Taeyong realised he was still naked.

Taeyong pulled away strongly this time and sat up, his hands covering his exposed chest. Jaehyun laughed loudly, his voice boomed through the otherwise quiet room and Taeyong scowled at him defensively.

Well, he wasn't completely naked, he could feel fabric on his legs. He was wearing pants, something he was sure he most definitely did not fall asleep with last night. He buried his head in his hands with a blush.

Jaehyun sat up from his slumped position with worry etched into his features. "Are you.. regretting it?"

Taeyong looked up from his hands almost instantly, face still red. "Of course not!"

Jaehyun grinned and slumped down again, pulling the boy back on his chest. Taeyong noted that Jaehyun's body was warm, even when his chest was exposed like his. Taeyong himself felt cold.

"That was uh, really good," Taeyong said bashfully, burying his head into Jaehyun's chest.

Jaehyun wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling the slimmer boy closer. Taeyong noticed that Jaehyun's hands were just the right size for him, his waist, his legs, to cup his face. Everything molded together almost too perfectly.

"You were amazing too if you were wondering," Jaehyun told him, playing with Taeyong's messy, pink bed hair. It did add some colour to his white sheets.

"Stop lying," Taeyong's chided, the warmth from his cheeks running down to his neck. It was a compliment that had made him feel quite accomplished though, he thought their - well, his - first time would be a bit messier, but with Jaehyun it was like he knew the right thing to do. Or something close to the right thing anyways for a first timer.

"Do you want me to go into detail about how good you were?" Jaehyun asked when Taeyong lifted his head to meet his eyes.

"Stop, gosh!" He spluttered. He rested his head back down, feeling Jaehyun laugh under him. "I'm sure you've had more experience than me anyways... that'd explain why you're so.." Taeyong trailed off timidly.

"I've slept with men and women," Jaehyun shrugged, continuing to run his hands through Taeyong's hair. Taeyong lifted his head from the man's chest again and furrowed his brows.

"Well which do you prefer," he asked, worry nagging at his gut. What if he didn't like Taeyong? What if Taeyong was embarrassingly bad but Jaehyun was lying to not hurt his feelings? What if-

Jaehyun met his eyes with a grin. "I prefer you."

It was cheesy; but Taeyong couldn't prevent the wide smile that tugged at his lips. He rested his head back on Jaehyun's bare chest and traced it with his fingers. It was a sort of happiness they couldn't exactly put their fingers on but wrapped around their hearts and grew like a plant feeding from the sun.

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