8: Figuring Things Out

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As the days passed, Jaehyun went back to his former self. He was quiet, reclusive and only spoke when he needed too. Even their training sessions were affected, Taeyong felt like he was distant even when it was one on one. The boy exhaled, he knew it was his fault.

"Taeyong, are you paying attention?" A stern voice called out at him. His professor crossed his arms, waiting for an answer from the daydreamer. Taeyong blushed and looked down, feeling a mass of eyes on him.

"Yes sir," He stammered. The professer tsked and turned back to the board, going on with something that Taeyong was sure had to do with circles. Or maybe squares. He wasn't really paying attention.

He quietly took out his phone and texted Johnny under the table. He figured it was about time he told someone else what was going on and hopefully Johnny wouldn't be busy with his project partner, Ten, after classes.

Johnny texted him back with speed to accept the invite. Taeyong smiled, he could finally meet up with his friend outside of the university setting again. It would just be him and Johnny.

And Jaehyun.

His mood dampened at the thought.

When the last class was over, Taeyong went over to the rigid man outside. "We're going out with Johnny now," Taeyong told him. Jaehyun only nodded in response and the boy's mood went down even further. He missed the man's half smile and two words responses. He wanted to laugh at himself, it was funny really.

They waited for Johnny in silence and Taeyong felt his body relax as the auburn-haired boy neared them and wanted to squeal. He also felt an odd sense of deja vu.

"Shall we leave?" Johnny said with a comforting smile and Taeyong nodded his head quickly. Jaehyun was quiet as he trailed behind them towards Johnny's car. He would come back for the other one later.

In the car, Jaehyun and Taeyong sat down beside each other in the backseat as Johnny drove to the mall. Both of them had noticed their thighs touch but neither had made any movements away from the other. Johnny glanced at them through the rear-view mirror several times with a knowing smile. It was cute.


At the mall, Jaehyun kept to his two meter away rule and allowed them to speak privately.
Taeyong had caught Johnny up on all the weird things that had happened between him and Jaehyun. He left out their almost kiss though, he didn't want to think about that.

Taeyong smacked Johnny's arm as he gasped for the hundreth time.

"Why are you hitting me? The way I see it, you guys probably have a thing."

Taeyong was quiet after that. They had a thing? What thing? Taeyong gnawed at his bottom lip as they walked around, window shopping in silence.

"Johnny," he said quietly and Johnny looked up from his phone at him with a quirked brow. Taeyong bit his lip and sighed, he was hesitating to ask.

"Have you ever wondered... if you were uh.. gay?" Taeyong said the last word in a hushed whisper.

Johnny didn't look at him in surprise but instead a playful smile. He stroked his chin as if he was thinking deeply before answering.

"I like both guys and girls so," he shrugged. Taeyong sighed, that wasn't exactly helpful to him.

"But how did you know you liked guys too?" He insisted.

"You just know," Johnny answered him and Taeyong felt frustration build up in him. He didn't just know, he'd never really had feelings for anyone. Up until now Taeyong thought he was destined to be alone and he was completely fine with that. That was until Jaehyun showed up.

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