3: Stop Following Me Around

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Taeyong stepped out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and shook his damp hair. Johnny had dropped them off a few days ago and reassured Taeyong that everything would be fine. Of course he added how cute the new bodyguard was too but Taeyong scolded him for it. When Johnny asked why, Taeyong had stood, dumbfounded because he didn't know the answer to that either. Taeyong shook his head again to get rid of those thoughts.

On his way to the closet, Taeyong stopped in his tracks feeling the cold breeze coming from his once closed room door. He turned his head slowly and screamed.

"Jaehyun, what the hell!" he yelled, covering as much of his body as he could with his hands. "I'm naked here. Get out!"

"You will be late for your classes, sir," Jaehyun replied cooly and smoothly made his exit. The not nearly as effected as Taeyong.

Taeyong watched with wide eyes and a hot face as he shut the door. He shivered slightly at the way Jaehyun called him sir, he should be used to it by now but it felt weird coming from his mouth. The man didn't look that much older than him. Taeyong sighed and dropped his defensive hands before going to rummage through his closet. Jaehyun was right, he would be late.

As he put on his last piece of clothing Yeri entered his room with her tray in hand. "Your breakfast is ready sir."

She bowed and made her exit. That's really all she ever said to him during the day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Taeyong nodded at her and slipped on his shoes. He had skipped school the past few days in protest and moped around the house but he knew if he skipped one more day his father would get angry. When he started university, his father had told him that if he failed he wouldn't pay his way through for him, so Taeyong was forced to actually work himself.

Taeyong jogged down to the kitchen, muttering angry curses as Jaehyun followed behind him, a lot closer than Taeyong would've liked.

Taeyong grabbed a piece of toast and made his way to the door, picking up his car keys. He had noticed that Jaehyun was still trailing behind him and stopped at his car door.

"Are you serious?" He scoffed, taking the toast out of his mouth. Jaehyun stared him down and Taeyong didn't know whether he didn't understand or he just didn't care. It was probably both. "You can't follow me to school!"

Jaehyun didn't reply causing Taeyong to smack his own forehead and drag the hand down his face in exasperation.

"You just cant!" He waved his toast around. He wouldn't be the only adult with a bodyguard, after all, this was filled with sons and daughters of celebrities and politicians but that didn't mean he'd be okay with one. He was old enough to take care of himself. Besides, nobody would be bothered enough to go after him.

An aggravating silence passed before Taeyong gave in and rounded the door to the driver's seat. A familiar hand stopped him once again. Taeyong had to close his eyes and take in a calming breath, this was the third time.

"What now?" he spat.

"Car keys." Jaehyun was a man of few words but somehow each word managed to bring upon a level of annoyance Taeyong didn't think he had ever felt in his life. When Jaehyun saw that he wasn't letting up, he swiftly took the keys from Taeyong's hand. He was so fast that it took Taeyong a second to process it. When he did though, he tried to snatch them back.

THE BODYGUARD | JAEYONG NCTWhere stories live. Discover now